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NEW! The FIG Cinema is designed to serve as a unique and engaging space for conference attendees. Through the power of storytelling, this Cinema aims to inspire and empower people to envision a better future for people and planet. The FIG Cinema room will be a space that fosters an environment that looks at the world we currently live in and help to create ideas and visions and sparks our collective imagination for a better future. It offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity for conference attendees to sit back, relax and be inspired by the incredible work of their peers.

Check the programme.

Don't miss the SURVEYING SUPERSTAR MOVIE MINI-MARATHON, playing each day at 1pm.

Come and marvel at this amazing World Premiere compilation of over 50 movies, TV shows and TV commercials masterly webbed together by Surveying Movie Mogul John Brock, who has collected his eclectic mix of Hollywood style productions featuring all-things surveying. With movie scouts all over the planet including US colleagues Dave Ingram, Matty Loser, Mary Root, Kim Buchheit, Denny Demeyer and Todd Babcock as well as German friend Mario Heuts, Brocky has been successful in assembling the single greatest collection of Hollywood Surveyor films ever seen in history! Amongst the super show you will be witness to some of the greatest celebrity megastars proudly portraying the roles of hero surveyors in a host of films, one even winning an Oscar for his starring character as an oil surveyor. Rub your eyes in disbelief as John Wayne, Randolph Scott, James Mason, Brad Pitt, Hugh Grant, Cary Grant, Charles Bronson and Australia’s own (born in Hawaii?), Nicole Kidman, put surveyors onto the big screen. You will not be able to get Surveyor flicks out of your head when you are privileged to be in the audience at the FIG Working Week in Orlando, Florida.