Time flies and after months of preparation of the FIG e-Working Week
2021 will almost begin. Join us on Monday 21 June 2021 at 08:30 CET. at
the official start of the FIG e-Working Week where you will be welcomed
by the hosts of this year´s event: FIG, GIN, Kadaster and ITC!
It is a real honour to host the FIG e-Working Week 2021. We are
certain that we will host an event that surely will meet, if not exceed,
all the expectations of a memorable and succesful conference. We hope yo
bring togheter an unforgettable conference with possibilities to make
meaningful connections with out sponsors, attendees and speakers, as
well as attend sessions designed to be interesting, innovative and
Let us officially welcome you to th FIG e-Working Week 2021! Join the
Opening Ceremony.
MONDAY 21 JUNE 2021 |
Opening Ceremony
06:30 |
08:30 |
14:30 |
23:30 |
03:30 |
Official welcome by:
Maarten Schurink,
secretary general of Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom
Opening Ceremony Keynote speaker:
Arnold Bregt,
Dean of Education & Professor Geo-Information Science -
Wageningen University & Research
Arnold Bregt is currently Dean of Education and professor of
Geo-information Science at the Wageningen University. He is
chairman of the Netherlands Centre of Geodesy and
Geo-informatics (NCG), a coordinating organisation for
fundamental and strategic research in geodesy and
geo-information in the Netherlands. NCG is also partner in
“GeoSamen (GeoTogether)”, a strategic cooperation agreement
between the Geo-business association, Government and Geo-science
Welcome adresses by:
Ron Rozema
GIN President
Frank Tierollf
Chair Executive Board Kadaster
Freek van der Meer
Dean ITC University Twente
Rudolf Staiger, FIG
President, Professor at the University of Applied Sciences
Bochum, Dept. of Surveying Engineering and Geoinformatics
Masters of Ceremony:
Louise Friis-Hansen
FIG Director
Paula Dijkstra,
Director a.i. of Kadaster International - co-conference director