News in 2023

Climate Compass Task Force Webinar

11 October 2023 9am GMT

FIG Climate Compass Task Force is launching its first webinar for building capacity in surveyors to undertake climate action with the title  "Let's Move Beyond Business-as-usual: Talking about Climate Resilience and Fit-for-purpose surveying for Land, Water & Marine".

Join this International Federation of Surveyors Climate Compass Task Force webinar to hear about the latest thinking on climate resilience and fit-for-purpose surveying for land, water and marine. The fit-for-purpose approach for land has been around in surveying since 2014. It is about designing systems to manage current land issues, rather than simply following more advanced technical standards.

Key terms are: flexible; reliable; affordable and attainable – rapid establishment of the system within available resources; upgradeable; participatory and inclusive; and fit the regulatory framework.

We have knowledge gaps to fill

Honorary Associate Professor David Mitchell will talk about fit-for-purpose approaches for small island states coping with sea level rise. He will draw from his work on surveying and climate, including disaster risk management in small island states.

Associate Professor Eugene Chigbu will explore the link between land tenure, land use planning, land restoration and climate in the global south. He has worked on tenure responsive land use planning and a key aspect of climate - land restoration.

Paula Dijkstra will describe the UN SDGS goals and their link to our climate goals and the roles of surveyors. She chairs FIG’s Task Force on the SDGs and is the Director of the Dutch Kadaster’s International arm providing worldwide advisory services.

Their presentations will be followed by QNA as we share knowledge and identify climate actions that surveyors can and should be doing.

The webinar will be held on October 11, 2023 at 9am GMT. Register now for this zoom meeting at: 


Roshni Sharma and Clarissa Augustinus
Co-chairs of FIG Climate Compass Task Force
15 August 2023

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