"Commission 3 has the
task of providing an international discussion and development
forum to promote professional practice and standards in the
field of Spatial Information Management.
In a highly interconnected world interoperability is an
indispensable precondition for information exchange. Commission
3 considers interoperability to consist of legal
interoperability (aligned legislation and legal meaning),
organisational interoperability (coordinated processes), and
technical interoperability. We focus mainly on technical
interoperability of geospatial data: at system level (data
exchange through networks, computers, applications, and web
services), at syntactic level (common data formats defined for
data encoding, decoding, and representation), at structural
level (pre-defined data models, data structures, and data
schemes), and at semantic level (common vocabularies). Spatial
Data Infrastructures (SDI) provide ‘a framework of policies,
institutional arrangements, technologies, data, and people that
enables the sharing and effective usage of geographic
information by standardizing formats and protocols for access
and interoperability."
What we do
For the term 2023-2026 FIG Commission
3 will be
working on:
Save the date: 18-20 June 2025, Athens Greece Workshop on "Building Back Better the Self-made
Cities, Improving the Geospatial Data Ecosystems & Formalizing the Informal Settlements"
organised jointly by UNECE WPLA, FIG Commissions 3 & 9,
EGoS and World Bank.
NIS-FIG Commission 3 Workgroup 2024
11 December 2024, Oyo state,
At the International Conference Centre or online.
more Register here
Commission 3 at FIG Working Week 2024
June 2024
The FIG Working Week 2024 was held from 19-24 May
in Accra, Ghana. During the conference, Commission
3 had organised severaly sessions in the tehcnical
programme and conducted its annual meeting.
Additionally, the progress of all commissions was
presented at the General Assembly.
Dr. Konstantinos Apostolopoulos will replace the
late Cemel as new Commission 3 vice chair.
Konstantinos Apostolopoulos holds a Ph.D. from
the School of Rural, Surveying & Geoinformatics
Engineering (SRSE-GI) at NTUA, where he also
completed his bachelor's and master’s degrees. He
has been an assistant instructor in the SRSE-GI,
NTUA. His research interests encompass Land
Administration, Crowdsourcing, Participatory Design,
Gamification, Geoinformatics, and Sustainable
Chair of Working Group 3.4 LADM and 3D LA (joint WG with
Commission 7)
Peter van Oosterom, The Netherlands
P.J.M.vanOosterom [at] tudelft.nl
Chair of Working Group 3.5 Geospatial next (joint with the Young
Surveyors Network)
Cemre Şahinkaya, Germany
cemresahinkaya1 [at] gmail.com
Delegates and Correspondents:
Each member association has the right to
nominate a delegate to each of the ten technical
commissions. In addition Affiliates, Academic
Members and Corporate Members are welcome to nominate a
correspondent to each commission.
Interested? If you are
interested to become a national delegate from your
country, please contact your
member association. The contact information of national delegates is
updates by the FIG office. Any changes in contact
information should be sent to the FIG
This FIG report sheds light on several areas
where geospatial data can be particularly
useful in supporting the path to
sustainability in the 2020s, for spatial
land use planning and health monitoring,
with data collection through voluntary
geographic information, with attention to
diversity and inclusion, and by providing
information on property, including property
Read the Publication
The study was focused on the current state
and practices within the land surveying,
mapping and geo-science communities, on
practical as well as theoretical levels.
Read the Publication
Many 3D Cadastral activities have been
conducted during the past two decades: six
FIG 3D Cadastres workshops, sessions at FIG
working weeks and congresses, three special
issues in international scientific journals,
four terms of the joint commission 3 and
commission 7 FIG Working Group on 3D