News in 2022

FIG Congress 2022 - submit your abstract now

27 January 2022




Normally, we are strict on deadlines... However, several have asked for a few days extra to submit their abstract for FIG Congress 2022 in Warsaw, Poland. We have listened to this and have extended the deadline with a week...

FIG and the local organisers from SGP, Poland, are excited to invite you to the FIG Congress 2022 and are determined to bring our global community together again at the FIG Congress 2022 - physically (and virtually). We invite you to submit an abstract for this exciting event. 

Get the chance to re-connect, learn and inspire at FIG Congress 2022 in Warsaw, Poland!

The Congress will offer you intensive learning, and an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences during pre-workshops/seminars, sessions, and to be part of the FIG Community.

Authors take an active part in the FIG Congress 2022

Do you have an inspiring story to tell and interesting findings to present? Then submit your abstract now.

The deadline is coming up:
31 January 2022  (full paper: 10 April 2022)


The overall theme of FIG Congress 2022 is:

Volunteering for the future – Geospatial excellence for a better living

The surveying profession has changed radically over the years. Geo-information and all related professions and topics are seen in a much broader context and as public goods and beneficial for the well-being and betterment of the entire society. Surveyors and geospatial experts of today are profiting from the latest technological developments, which requires that our profession can use this potential. Examples are the development that have taken place during the times of COVID19, how to optimally use open access to data and how surveyors can beneficially connect with and convince our partners from other disciplines that despite progress and automation of measurement techniques with tools and methods available for everyone, they still need surveyors.

Read the full call for papers


Louise Friis-Hansen
27 January 2022

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