FIG Commission 8 - Spatial planning and development

Working Group 8.4
Land policy instruments for spatial development


Land, being a limited resource, requires some form of land management to foster a sustainable development. Demand for land, for instance for food production, housing, nature conservation, or infrastructure, surpasses supply. Moreover, supply of appropriate land does not necessarily meet demands regarding its spatial distribution. This working group focuses on international available land policy instruments that may support stakeholders, mostly governments, upon the implementation of spatial policies and spatial redistribution of land to foster a sustainable spatial development.

Policy Issues

  • Analyse available land policy instrumentation, such as land banking, expropriation, land consolidation, land readjustment, expropriation, pre-emption rights to implement spatial objectives for a sustainable development.
  • Foster the dissemination of international practice of land policy instruments and their applications.
  • Establish and distribute a generic legislative framework for land consolidation.
  • Develop and describe a generic process for land consolidation to foster the development of a generic and modifiable open source GIS tool to support the implementation of land consolidation in various countries.


Rosy Liao Rong, People’s Republic of China

Dr. Morten Hartvigsen, Hungary

Prof. dr. Walter de Vries, Germany[at]

Ms. Wioleta Krupowicz, Poland

Mr. Rodrigue Bazame, Turkey

What we are working on -

  • Joint commission 8 & LANDNET meeting preferably in 2019 and 2021
  • Special papers at FIG working weeks or congress
  • Working paper on best practices of land policy tools across Europe & Central Asia & worldwide

What's New

Focus: Available policy instruments that support the implementation of spatial policies or spatial redistribution of land (resources, land use or rights) to foster sustainable spatial development.

The successful joint LANDNET/commission 8 workshop in 2019 was held in Santiago de Compostela (see chapter 4). Activities of the working group take shape around two themes: 1) discussing the possibility for a generic tool for land consolidation and 2) a joint FIG / FAO publication about land consolidation practice.

In preparation of the FIG Working Week in Amsterdam, three joint FAO-FIG sessions will be organized that link to the activities of working group 8.4.


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