Conference and Seminar Proceedings

FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting and Symposium

12-16 May in Bled, Slovenia

FIG Commission 7

Annual Meeting 2006 and Symposium

Best Western Kompas Hotel
Triglav/Grad Hall
Bled, Slovenia
12 - 16 May 2006

Programme and proceedings

Friday 12 May 2006
19:00-21:00 Informal welcome drink on the terrace of the hotel hosted by
the Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency of the Netherlands
Saturday 13 May 2006
09:00-10:30 Session 1 - Opening and Surveying in Slovenia (PART 1)
Chair: Paul van der Molen
09:00-09:20 Opening and Roll Call
Paul van der Molen
[slides 1,720 KB]

Commemoration of Mr. Abdel Munem Samara, Jordan delegate and Director General of the Jordan Department of Lands and Survey
[slides 254 KB]

09:20-09:30 Welcome and introduction to the Annual Meeting
Anton Kupic
State Undersecretary Slovenian Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia and delegate to Commission 7 and
Roman Rener
Geodetic Institute, Slovenian Correspondent of FIG Commission 7
[slides 347 KB]
09:30-10:05 Welcome and Introduction of the Surveyor's Profession in Slovenia
Jurij Režek
President of the Slovenian Association of Surveyors
This presentation has been published in the 'Journal of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia, 2006, Volume 50, No. 2'.
[slides 784 KB]
10.05-10.30 Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic Slovenia - Presentation of Activities
Božena Lipej
Deputy Director General Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia
[slides 3,140 KB]
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:45 Session 2 - Opening and Surveying in Slovenia (PART 2)
Chair: Winfried Hawerk
11:00-11:30 The role of the private sector, the Chamber of engineers, and the Geodetic and Business Association of Geodetic Enterprises
Aleš Šuntar
Director IGEA Company
[slides 2,163 KB]
11:30-12:00 University Education in Geodesy in Slovenia
Dušan Petrovič
Assistant Professor University of Ljubljana
[slides 142 KB]
12:00-12:15 Program description of the Technical Excursion
Tomaž Petek
Director of regional geodetic administration of Ljubljana, Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia
[slides 14,500 KB]
12:15-12:45 Discussion
12:45-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Session 3 - Conference Reports
Chair: Søren Fauerholm Christensen
14.00-14.15 Symposium Land Registration in the Arab World (1-3 September 2005, Dead Sea, Jordan)
Sameer Al-Abbadi and Mouen Sayegh
Department of Lands and Survey (DLS)
[slides 521 KB]
14.15-14.30 UN-FIG Expert Group Meeting Unconventional Approaches (8-9 December 2005, Bangkok, Thailand)
Paul van der Molen
Chair Commission 7
[slides 687 KB]
14.30-14:40 Enhancing Land Registration and Cadastre for Economic Growth in India
(31 January - 1 February 2006, New Delhi, India)
Christiaan Lemmen
Vice Chair Administration Commission 7
[slides 617 KB]
14:40-15:00 A landmark gathering to make headway in promoting sustainable Land Management
in Africa: Africa Region CASLE Conference, (14-17 March 2006, Bagamoyo, Tanzania)
Eugene Silayo (a summary was presented by Christiaan Lemmen)
University College of Lands and Architectural Studies
[paper] [slides 98 KB]
15:00-15:15 Bogotá, Latin-American Conference on Cadastre, November 2005
András Osskó
Chair elect Commission 7
15:15-15:30 Workshop on e-Governance, Knowledge Management and e-Learning
(Budapest, Hungary 27-29 April 2006)
András Osskó
Chair elect Commission 7
[slides 59 KB]
15:30-16:00 Tea Break
16:00-17:30 Session 4 - Interesting developments Member Countries
Chair: Gyula Iván
16:00-16:20 New Organisations in Norway
Leiv Bjarte Mjøs
Bergen University College
[slides 30 KB]
16:20-16:40 Developments of State Authority for Geodetic Works from IT perspective -
Republic of Macedonia
Dimo Todorovski
State Authority for Geodetic Works
[slides 770 KB]
16:40:17:00 Bhoomi: an Conveyancing (Indian) Solution for Secure Land Tenure
Puthiyavalappil Rajasekhar
Survey of India Karnataka Branch
[slides 181 KB]
17:00-17:20 Developments in the Czech Republic
Libor Tomandl and Jiri Rydval
Czech Office for Surveying and Mapping
[slides 531 KB]
17.20:17.30 Forum discussion
17:30-18:00 Session 5 - Developments FAO
Chair: Jose Pedro Neto
17:30-18:00 Good Governance in Land Tenure and Administration
Mika Petteri-Törhönen
Land Tenure Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
[slides 486 KB]
  Dinner at the hotel hosted by the Slovenian Association of Surveyors
Sunday 14 May 2006
09:00-10:30 Session 6 - Workshop e-Government
Chair: Richard Grover
09:00-09:20 Swiss Cadastre Preparing for E-Government
Daniel Steudler
Swiss Federal Directorate of Cadastral Surveying
[slides 3,990 KB]
09:20-09:40 Keeping Current with ICT – The Latest Technology from ESRI
Kevin Daugherty
[slides 10,600 KB]
09:40-10:00 The General Administration of the Patrimonial Documentation of Belgium
Marc Vanderschueren
Federal Public Service Finance, Central Administration of the Cadastre, the Registration and the Public Property
[slides 262 KB]
10:00-10:30 Discussion about e-Government and e-Land Administration
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:45 Session 7 - Interesting developments in Member Countries
Chair: Mouen Sayegh
11:00-11:20 Land Administration in the Russian Federation
Alexander Sagaydak
Moscow State University of Land Management
[slides 141 KB]
11:20-11:40 Land Administration in Montenegro and GTZ's activities in this respect
Yvonne Mueller
Municipal Land Management Project
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
[slides 329 KB]
11:40-12:10 Nirmala Nagara: a Salubrious City – Online property Tax System; case from India
Puthiyavalappil Rajasekhar
Survey of India Karnataka Branch
[slides 1,453 KB]
12:10-12:30 Land Administration Developments in Portugal
José Pedro Neto
Instituto Geografico Portugal
[slides 3,021 KB]
12:30-12:45 Forum Discussion
12:45-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Session 8 - Interesting developments in Member Countries
Chair: Conrad Tang
14:00-14:20 Cadastre in Latvia
Signe Rudzite and Mara Rozenberga
Department of Cadastre and Registers, State Land Service Latvia
[slides 505 KB]
14:20-14:40 Land Administration in Lithuania
Rasas Gofmanas, Jaunius Grigas, Rimantas Ramamauskas, Kestutis Treciokas
State Center of Registers
[slides 1,568 KB]
14:40-15:00 Land Administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Valentino Vlasic, Velibor Vitor, Ronald Schmieder, Milorad Elez
GTZ Project
[slides 76 KB]
15:00-15:20 Land Administration System in Croatia
Zvonko Nogolica
Law Offices Nogolica
[slides 750 KB]
15:20-15:30 Forum Discussion
15:30-16:00 Tea break
16.00:16:45 Session 9 - Future Work Plan
16:00-16:15 The Cadastral Template
Daniel Steudler
Swiss Federal Directorate of Cadastral Surveying
[slides 267 KB]
16:15-16:45 Work Plan 2007-2010 of FIG Commission 7
András Osskó
FIG Commission 7 Chairman 2006-2010
[slides 78 KB]
16.45-18.00 Session 10 - Future Plans and Closing
Chair: Francois Gäbele
16.45-17.00 Commission 7 Annual Meeting and Symposium 2007, Korea
Korean delegation
17.00-17.15 Commission 7 Annual Meeting and Symposium 2008, Verona, Italy
Italian Delegation
17.15-17.30 FIG Congress 2006, 8-13 October, München, Germany
Paul van der Molen
[slides 291 KB]
17.30-17.45 Closing
Paul van der Molen
Monday 15 May 2006
09:00-22:30 Technical excursion and tour to Primorska region
09:00-10:00 Bus tour Bled-Ljubljana
10:30-12:00 Visit to Cadastral Branch office Ljubljana
12:00-12:30 Sightseeing tour through Ljubljana
12:30-13:30 Bus tour Ljubljana-Postojna
13:30-14:30 Visit – Land Book office in Postojna
14:30-15:30 Light lunch at the Castle restaurant
15:30-16:30 Visit Postojna Cave
16:30-17:30 Bus tour Postojna Piran
17:30-18:30 Sightseeing tour Piran
18:00 Dinner at Mahnič farm
20:00 Bus tour Piran - Bled
22:30 Arrival Bled

Symposium on

Spatial and developmental planning for more efficient use of resources in the local community with examples of good practice from Slovenia and member states of the European Union

Venue: Regional Development Agency, Celje
Tuesday 16 May 2006
  Welcome and Introduction of the Surveyor's Profession in Slovenia
Jurij Režek
President of the Slovenian Association of Surveyors
This presentation has been published in the 'Journal of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia, 2006, Volume 50, No. 2'.
[slides 784 KB]

Contributions by Commission 7 delegates:

Local Governance and Real Estate in a Market Economy: Opportunities and Challenges
Richard Grover
Oxford Brookes University
[slides 22 KB]

Geoservices in Hamburg
Winfried Hawerk
Geoinformation and Surveying in Hamburg
[slides 6,811 KB]

Management of Regional Developments with Emphasis on Spatial Elements
Christiaan Lemmen
Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency and
International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
[slides 3,383 KB]

© International Federation of Surveyors,  2006

Last revised on 20-04-15


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