The Department of Geomatic Engineering at the Basel Institute of Technology and Management, University of Applied Sciences offers a bachelor degree course in Geomatics Engineering. The main fields of study are Language and Society, Sciences, Surveying and Geographic Information Technologies, Planning, and the Diploma Thesis. A masters degree course in Applied Geoinformation Sciences is in preparation. Planned start will be in autumn 2008. Furthermore, continued education courses with partners from academia and industry are held. The department is also active in applied R&D with a focus on 3D geographic information technologies namely 3D GIS and web-based 3D services.

University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
School of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geomatics Institute of Geomatic Engineering

Head: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Gottwald 
Address: Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik
Institut Vermessung und Geoinformation
Gründenstrasse 40
Muttenz BL
Tel: + 41 61 4674 4242 
Fax: + 41 61 4674 4460 
Number of Academic 
Teaching and 
Research Staff:
(Full Time/Part Time)
(Year: Entered/Graduated)
Available courses (1)

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