During the three conference days 12-14 September there will be six key note sessions, grouped with two sessions per day.
9:00-10:00 - Geospatial Excellence for a Better Living - Digitalisation and Modern Surveying and Cadastre in a Post-Covid19 Era
10:00-11:00 - Urban Rural Partnership
16:00-17:00 - Land Governance in Support of the 2030 Global Agenda
17:00-18:00 -
Chair: Prof. Abbas Rajabifard, Australia
Professor Abbas Rajabifard is Director of Centre for SDIs and Land Administration, at the University of Melbourne. He is an active global leader in land administration modernisation and geospatial information, digital twin and 3D cadastre, with passion in the field of research and innovation to serve global community. |
Ms. Ewa Surma, Director in Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGIK), Poland
Ewa Surma is Master of Science, AGH University of Science and
Technology, postgraduate studies GIS: Jagiellonian University in
Cracow, University of Salzburg. Working experience with INSPIRE
implementing rules (metadata, interoperability of spatial data sets
and services, data and service sharing). Expert experience of
Geospatial data management and analysis. Experience of working
internationally. Involved with projects throughout the State of
Massachusetts and boundary research, planning and zoning information
for projects in many town and counties. At present works as a
Director of the Strategy, International Cooperation and Public
Information department of Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography.
During the pandemic Head Office of Geodesy
and Cartography (GUGiK) was very active on working on opening the
data from the Central Geodetic and Cartographic Resource and also on
digitization geodesy and easy access to data. All users can download
open data without any limitations. All works concentrated on
legislation and amendment of Geodetic and Cartographic Law and
connected 14 regulations. The amendment of the Geodetic and
Cartographic Law this is also 14 regulations that were issued within
one year. Hear more about how GUGiK has worked on the digitalization
process, changes made during these past two years and their
experience today. |
Digital Transformation and the role of Land Administrations - FAO, FIG and UNECE/WPLA joint publicationsMs. Rumyana Tonchovska, Senior Land Administration Officer, FAO of the UN |
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Rumyana Tonchovska is a Senior Land Administration-Information Technology Officer of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), based in Rome. She has practical experience in 26 countries across Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa in design, development and implementation of large scale, complex information systems for land tenure, indirect taxation and building Spatial Data Infrastructure. Rumyana is leading various innovations to support countries to make better use of the available data and technologies. |
Starting from the digital disruptions triggered by the Covid19 pandemic, the e-book on Digital Transformation and the future role of Land Administration examines the state-of-play and future directions for digital transformation in land administration in the UN-ECE region and beyond. Complementary to the e-book, a Knowledge for Investment Brief: Sustainable Digital Transformation of Land Administration has been prepared, which provide a guidance to the land administration authorities and decision makers on how to develop their action plans and investment plans for their journey toward digital transformation. The publications are jointly prepared by the FAO, FIG and the UNECE/WPLA and went through a series of consultations. Looking ahead, land administration organizations can build from the momentum of the recent Covid19 pandemic success stories. They must re-evaluate current action and investment plans for digital transformation and further opportunities for acceleration. |
Better living after Covid – the surveyor point of viewProf. Paweł Hanus AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland |
Paweł Hanus prof. AGH - a specialist in cadastre, real estate management and spatial planning; academic professor in the Department of Integrated Geodesy and Cartography at the AGH University of Science and Technology; member of the Geodesy Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the National Geodetic and Cartographic Council and the Association of Polish Geodesists; National Delegate of Commission 8 of the FIG - Spatial Planning and Development; author and co-author of over 100 articles and monographs, both professional and scientific; academic teacher and former vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mining Geodesy and Environmental Engineering at the AGH University of Science and Technology. |
The time of the Covid pandemic was a time of challenge and change for all
of us, including surveyors. And while the changes in surveying in Poland
were not entirely related to the pandemic, the pandemic certainly sped up to
them. From the point of view of the contractor of geodetic works, the most
important changes during this period include the introduction of digital
technical documentation of geodetic works, the acceleration of the change in
the method of servicing surveyors to the Internet service, and the transfer
of geodetic documentation from the analogue to digital form. These actions
resulted in significant, mostly positive, changes in carrying out geodetic
work. This presentation provides some details of these changes. |
Chair: Dr. Orhan Ercan, Türkiye
Orhan Ercan was FIG Vice President for the 2017-2021 period and previously worked in the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre in Turkey. Since retiring, he has worked in the private sector and is currently a member of the Faculty of Applied Sciences in the Department of Real Estate Development and Management at Ankara University. |
Prof. Holger Magel - FIG Honorary President and TUM Emeritus of Excellence
Prof. Holger Magel (1944) holds Dipl.Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees of TU Munich and has passed the civil service examination. He was Director General of Rural Service in Bavaria and Full Professor and Director of TUM Institute for Geodesy, GIS and Landmanagement. He was Founder and Director of the international Masterprogramme Land Management and Land Tenure in urban and rural areas. From 2009-2013 he was member of the advisory board „Territorial development“ of the german government and from 2014-2018 he was Member oft the parliamentary Commission of Inquiry „Equivalent Living conditions in whole Bavaria“ . After more than 30 years of Vicepresidency and Presidency (1983-2019) he is now Honorary President of the Bavarian Academy of Rural Areas. |
Urban Rural Partnership is more urgent than ever in the light of ongoing
or even increasing urban rural divide – around the world but even in rich
countries like Bavaria, Suisse and Austria. Why does this still happen
despite a lot of wonderful papers and promising policies? An urban rural
battle for financial resources is threatening! In times of climate crisis
and loss of biodiversity on the one side and ongoing digitization and
growing remote working and communication chances on the other side it is
time to start a new urban rural partnership in the urban surroundings but
also in the hinterland. |
The GLTN Approach to Urban Rural PartnershipMr Robert Lewis-Lettington - UN-Habitat/Global Land Tool Network |
Robert Lewis-Lettington is Chief of the Land, Housing and Shelter Section at UN-Habitat. He is also Secretary to the drafting committees of UN-Habitat’s governing bodies and UN-Habitat representative to the Human Rights Council and human rights treaty bodies. Robert is a lawyer by training and has worked in both public and private international law for more than twenty years. Robert’s principal areas of expertise are international institutions and processes, human rights and humanitarian law, environmental law, science and technology law and urban development. Robert is also an experienced programme and project manager having worked in most geographic regions and a number of countries. Robert also plays the bagpipes badly. |
FIG’s previous commitments in the Marrakech Declaration in 2003 / 2004 remain as valid today as they were then. The need for comprehensive land policies, reflecting a priority on spatial and economic integration, and the importance of considering governance, infrastructure and local capacity within these are central elements in what Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Partners have recently also described as Urban-Rural Land Linkages (URLLs). National land administrations generally are, and should remain, unified with common methods and standards for land administration. At the same time, we need to recognise and appropriately manage the particular situations and priorities that arise in rural, urban and peri-urban locations. GLTN’s defining issue – achieving security of tenure for all – is a concern in all of these locations in all corners of the globe, regardless of development status or income level. |
The global sense of urgency and the pressure on land have showed an increase of the relevance of surveying and geo-information towards the achievement of the SDG's. Land governance is about the policies, processes and institutions by which land, property and natural resources are managed. Therefore, land governance plays a key role in achieving the SDGs where more than half of the goals are directly land related. In this regard, the global surveying profession holds an important position as the custodians of the people to land relationship. This session will unfold the concept of responsible land governance and the importance of including all land, people and land rights at a countrywide scale. Further, the session will align the concepts with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and how FIG supports the SDGs. The agenda provides us a roadmap towards a more sustainable world. Providing leadership as FIG, as professional and as a citizen on the SDGs will be of great added value. This session sets the scene how you can actively contribute to volunteering for the future for our profession, society and our planet at the same time.
Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG Honorary President and Professor Emeritus of Land management at Aalborg University, Denmark
Stig holds a M.Sc. in Surveying, Planning, and Land Management (1966) and worked as a licensed surveyor in private practice for 12 years. He joined Aalborg University 1982 and served as Head of School of Surveying and Planning for 15 years. He is Past President and Honorary Member of the Danish Association of Chartered Surveyors. He is a well-known international expert and consultant in the areas of land administration, land management and spatial planning, and the related issues of education and capacity development. He has published books, reports and more than 400 articles and conference papers, and he has undertaken a range of land related consultancies in Eastern Europe, Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. |
Land governance covers all activities associated with the management of land and natural resources that are required to fulfil political and social objectives and achieve sustainable development. This relates specifically to the legal and institutional frameworks for the land sector. The operational component of the land management concept is the range of land administration functions that include the areas of land tenure, land value, land use, and land development. These functions are essential to ensure control and management of the people to land relationship and the economic and social outcomes emerging from it. This presentation analyses the global agenda in relation to the
land governance component and, thereby, provides an overall
understanding of the role of responsible land governance in support
of the SDGs and the wider global agenda. The presentation emphasises
the importance of providing secure land rights at scale as a basis
for developing an efficient land market, effective land use
management and, more generally, economic development and social
stability. It is argued that the global land community has a key
role to play in this regard. |
Ms. Paula Dijkstra, Director a.i. of Kadaster International / Chair Task Force on FIG and the Sustainable Development Goals
As Director a.i. of Kadaster International Paula is responsible for the coordination of Kadaster’s international activities and international cooperation projects. Kadaster International provides worldwide advisory services in the domain of land administration, e-governance, geo-information services and SDI. Paula is working for the international department since 2011. She obtained a Master degree in Social Geography and a grade in cadastral data acquisition and 3D modelling. In addition to the above Paula was co-conference director for the e-Working Week of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) hosted by the Netherlands and originally planned in 2020 (postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19). She is also chair of the FIG taskforce on the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as Working Group 7.2 on Fit For Purpose Land Administration Implementation. |
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides us the road towards a sustainable world. We are now in the decade of action. There is a sense of urgency. We are the generation to end extreme poverty and to address climate change, injustice and gender inequality. We all have to take action, individually, collectively, locally and globally. The global sense of urgency and the pressure on land have showed an increase of the relevance of surveying and geo-information towards the achievement of the SDG's. Providing leadership as FIG, as professional and as a citizen on the SDGs will be of great added value. This session sets the scene how you can actively contribute to volunteering for the future for our profession, society and our planet at the same time. |
Dr. Kwabena Obeng Asiama, Chair FIG Young Surveyors Network
Dr. Kwabena Obeng Asiama is currently a Lecturer at the Department of Land Economy, KNUST. Prior to this, he was assistant professor and leader of the Land and Real Estate Management Working Group at the Geodetic Institute of the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. He received his PhD. (2019) and MSc. (2015) from the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente with a focus on Land Administration. He completed BSc. in Land Economy (2012) at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. Kwabena is currently the Chair of the FIG Young Surveyors Network (2021 – 2022), and Chair-elect of the FIG Commission 8 on Spatial Planning and Development (2023-2026). |
4 generations, 1 workforce- Understand who's who in the workplace.
Cross-generational insights on how all four of the generations in the work place will shape the next normal. We listen to perspectives from Baby boomers, Gen X, Millennials and beyond. Discussing what the work place looks like, what skills will be needed to benefit society drawing from the context of Geography, Governance and Giving.
This panel brings together active industry professionals across all FIG member sectors. As members of each generation navigate the next normal they explain: What effect the pandemic will have on cross generational views of the skills they believe to be the most relevant in the future professional world of survey; and Provide insightful ideas as how we can move towards a resilient and diverse profession.
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President; Director Dumashie Ltd; Trustee Lionheart Benevolent Fund.
Dr Diane A Dumashie. FIG Vice President, Director Dumashie Ltd, is a lifelong career surveyor and is a passionate ambassador of professional development, having throughout her career held voluntary roles to serve the profession worldwide and is currently trustee of Lionheart a surveyor’s benevolent charity. A fellow of the RICS, Diane supports public sector client organisations worldwide to deliver strategic projects that have a clear social, economic livelihood agenda linked to land. As an adaptive multi—skilled land economist Diane is stakeholder smart to broker collaborative working between key partners to achieve shared public and privates sector objectives. She leads and innovates to manage change, energises and resolves complex issues in the areas of land management, land administration, gender rights, land and property regeneration. Undertaking consultancies for donor multi-lateral and bi-lateral agencies to generate benefits to society Diane’s innovative project leader approach has also orientated to institutional land development and training. She holds a Doctorate in Land Policy Planning & Integrated Coastal Area Management; bringing together the needs of coastal communities, economic and industry users and physical land and sea dimensions. |
Ms. Victoria Stanley, Senior Land Administrator World Bank, USA
Ms. Stanley is a Senior Land Administration Specialist at the World Bank. She has worked in more than 20 countries across Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Latin America. She has worked across a wide range of land issues including land reform, administration, governance and policy. She also has experience in the areas of rural and municipal development, gender analysis and inclusion, information technology, public service delivery, institutional reform, and strategic planning and budgeting. Prior to joining the World Bank Ms. Stanley worked for several NGOs on research and development issues, and for the US Department of the Interior in administration and budgeting. Ms. Stanley has a Master of Public and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School for Public and International Affairs and a Bachelor of Arts from Cornell University. |
Ms. Shirley Tendai Chapunza, Young Surveyor, Zimbabwe
Mr. Israel Taiwo, Senior Lecture Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria, Church lead for youth
Israel Taiwo is a Lecturer of Geomatics at the Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria with expertise in GIS, Remote Sensing and Land administration tools. He is a graduate of Computer Science and Geomatics degrees with a passion for knowledge sharing, volunteerism and social inclusion. His desire to explore space and adopt it for the common good drives his interest in the Surveying profession. He believes that only through volunteerism and teamwork can a socially inclusive society be achieved. |
Mr Tomasz Malinowski, Sales and Marketing Director, TPI, Poland
Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, President of Fédération des Géomètres Francophones (FGF), Belgium
Marc Vanserschueren is president of FGF (Fédération Internationale des Géomètres - International Federation of French Speaking Surveyors) Marc is former Director/Surveyor of the Fiscal and Technical Directions of the Belgian Cadastre / General Administration of the Patrimonial Documentation (Cadastre, Registration, Public Property, Mortgage Service). |
The effects of plastic pollution on the Earth’s oceans are well documented, potentially catastrophic and increasing exponentially year on year. UN estimates suggest that >75% of all the plastic produced since 1950 has since become waste. The UN Environment Programme has calculated that each year more than 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the oceans. Eighty per cent of all litter in our oceans is made of plastic and, without action, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish, by weight. This is an intolerable problem that needs immediate and far-reaching action to remedy. The surveying and spatial science profession agrees that this must stop.
FIG Working Group 4.3 - Mapping the Plastic - a combined initiative of
the FIG Young Surveyors Network and Commission 4 (Hydrographic Surveying),
in conjunction with the University of Novi Sad (Serbia) and the University
of Banja Luca (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and with assistance from Trimble has
developed a world leading methodology to accurately extract floating plastic
data (as small as 1.0 cm in length) from multi-spectral UAV images using
artificial intelligence deep learning algorithms. Learn more about this
exciting, ground breaking process will enable the accurate mapping and
classification of floating plastic in near real time.
Ms Gordana Jakovlejvic, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Bosnia and Herzegowina
Gordana Jakovlejvic is interested in the development of
automated processing procedures for remote sensing data, which are
designed to extract information in real-time or near-real-time,
Gordana is focused on the research that could include remote sensing
derived data in decision-making processes and implementation of
policies including Sustainable Development Goals or EU Directives.
Her work interests are, but not limited to, deep learning,
monitoring the status of aquatic environments, mapping floating
plastics, and smart agriculture. She successfully finished her Ph.D.
studies in remote sensing and GIS in 2020 at the University of Novi
Sad and currently working as an Assistant professor at the
University of Banja Luka in the Department of Geodesy. She published
a dozen of papers at scientific conferences and journals. |
Mr Simon Ironside, New Zealand
Simon is a New Zealand surveyor with considerable experience at both
ends of the surveying spectrum. He is Licensed Cadastral Surveyor
and a Level 1 Certified Hydrographic Surveyor. He works for Land
Information New Zealand’s Property Rights Group, which is
responsible for delivering New Zealand’s survey and title system as
a Cadastral Surveyor, overseeing the validation and approval of
cadastral survey datasets. His hydrographic surveying experience has
been gained primarily in the industrial offshore sector. He worked
in the North Sea oil and gas industry from 1980 until his return to
New Zealand in 1991 and was involved in many offshore exploration
and production projects as a hydrographic surveyor. |
This session focuses on the future technologies of geospatial data visualization and its role for surveyors and the role of GNSS measurements in future. This session is the last keynote session and will give you food for thought for the future.
Chair: Mr. Krzysztof Bakula, Co-Congress Director, Poland
Dr. Krzysztof Bakuła is Co-Congress director of the FIG Congress 2022. Krzysztof is Vice-dean for students affairs and international cooperation of the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland where he obtained doctoral degree in 2015. He has been a member of the Association of Polish Surveyors (SGP) for 11 years including being vice-president for last 4 years period. He is also active in ISPRS (working group chair), EuroSDR (delegate), Polish Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (secretary). His research interests are photogrammetry, UAV remote sensing, lidar in various applications mostly related to surveying. |
Prof. Rudolf Staiger, FIG President
(In the absence of
Mr. Bryn Fosburgh, Vice President Trimble)
Prof. Rudolf Staiger is the President of FIG. His early studies in geodesy were in Karlsruhe and Paris from 1976 to 1982, and he was scientific assistant at the University of Karlsruhe (Geodetic Institute) from 1983 to 1987. Rudolfs PhD thesis (1988) dealt with the online determination of 3D co-ordinates with electronic theodolites. This was followed by six years with KERN and LEICA in Aarau (Switzerland) in marketing and R&D. In 1994 he joined the University of Essen (Department of Surveying) and changed to the University of Applied Sciences in Bochum in 2005. Rudolf retired afew months ago. Rudolf thematic specialties are in close-range triangulation, laser tracking and laser scanning, quality assurance and calibration of geodetic devices. |
Trends in the development of spatial data visualization methodsProf. Robert Olszewski Warsaw University of Technology, Poland |
Robert Olszewski deals with the modeling of spatial information, or more precisely, extraction and acquisition of spatial information using artificial intelligence methods, as well as the subject of smart city, cartographic generalization, geostatistics, gamification and social geoparticipation. The results of many years of his scientific work have been published in several monographs and more than one hundred articles. He has also implemented dozens of research grants. Since 2011 a Professor at the Department of Geodesy and Cartography Warsaw University of Technology, since 2015 Head of the Chair of Cartography. A graduate of the TOP 500 Innovators program, a participant of training in commercialization of research at the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley. Member of the Rector's team of innovative forms of education - INFOX, conducts interdisciplinary project classes for students of Warsaw University of Technology using Design Thinking methodology. He works with business and government and self-government in the implementation of R&D projects and commercialization of interdisciplinary research in the field of geoinformation, computational intelligence, spatial data services, social geoparticipation, gamification, smart city, and spatial data mining. |
Mr Bryn Fosburgh, Trimble USA
During my career at Trimble I have had direct P&L leadership of > 1
B US US$ for our construction sector that included responsibility
for the strategy, sales, R&D, financial management, and the merger &
acquisitions for the business. During the past 26+ years, I have
also been fortunate to have had P&L responsibility for our
Geospatial, Transportation and Logistics, and Agriculture Sectors.
In addition to Worldwide P&L initiatives, I have had responsibility
for our corporate marketing initiatives and the localization and
company wide sales in Africa, Japan, China, and India. I was also
the founding board member of our Nikon, Caterpillar, and Hilti joint
ventures. For me, relationships and strong partnerships are key to
helping our customers and industry evolve |
For centuries, the surveyor has been
the backbone of various industries. The surveyor has also been the
early adopter of GNSS, scanning, LIDAR, and 3D modeling and have
applied these technologies to digital land information,
construction, mining, GIS, and BIM. As we enter the Metaverse , we
as surveyors will continue be the custodian that develops and links
elements, or digital twins, throughout the ecosystem. As a
profession, measurement and analysis will continue to be a core part
of our role, but we must also further our knowledge in edge
computing , visualization, and digital twins so we can position
ourselves as the project manager of the Metaverse