FIG Commission 8 Proceedings
Symposium on Land Consolidation and Land Readjustment for Sustainable
Jointly organised by Kadaster, FIG Commission 8 and FAO (LANDNET)
- ATF Workshop in Mombasa, Kenya, 11-12 November 2010
report, photos and presentations
- GhIS/CASLE/FIG Conference in Accra Ghana, 22-28 February 2010:
Report from the Conference
- FIG/CIREA/HKIS Seminar on Appraisal and Property Protection - 18-19
October, Beijing, China P. R
Report of the seminar
- Property RIghts, Economic Instruments and Biodiversity,
Aix-en-Provence, France, 17-19 June 2010
Hand outs of Diane Dumashie's
- Key note presentation:
ISK/ KLA Seminar- Kenya
Draft National Land policy Nairobi October 2006 Dr Diane Dumashie
- Sustainable Development – A Challenge and Responsibility for
Surveyors, 3/1991
- Surveyor's Contribution to Land Management, 4/1991
- Land Tenure, Land Management and Land Information Systems (FAO &
UNCHS), 13/1995
- Habitat II, Dialogue 6: Land and Rural/Urban Linkages in the 21st
Century, FIG & FIABCI