FIG Council meets in Jakarta during the 3rd Regional Conference

Jakarta, Indonesia, October 8, 2004

The FIG Council had its meeting during the 3rd Regional Conference in Jakarta 8 October 2004. This was the first time when the two new Vice Presidents Ken Allred and Stig Enemark attended the Council meeting after they were elected in Athens in May 2004. Their term of office will officially start 1 January 2005.

The decisions of the Council in Jakarta included:

  • Confirmation of responsibilities of the Council members after two new Vice Presidents were appointed and Vice President Bettina Petzold had resigned. According to the new list of responsibilities Ken Allred will be in charge for students and young surveyors and regional responsibility for North America. Stig Enemark for professional development (including professional qualifications and CPD) and developing the database of international experts and together with Bela Markus to develop the surveying education database. Ken Allred will be responsible for Commissions 1 and 4 and Stig Enemark for Commissions 2 and 7.
  • Recorded that Commission officers have appointed Matt Higgins as their representative to the Council for the term of office 1.1.2005-31.12.2006
  • Recorded thanks to Bettina Petzold and Gerhard Muggenhuber for their work as Council members. Gerhard will naturally continue his work as Commission 3 chair.
  • Approved member applications from Brunei Institution of Geomatics (Brunei Darussalam) and Institution of Surveyors of the United Arab Emirates (Dubai, UAE), the final decision on this will made by the General Assembly in Cairo in April 2005.
  • Admitted SINICAP (Sistema Nacional Integrado de Información Catastral Predial) from Peru as an affiliate member.
  • Admitted five new universities as academic members:
    • University of South Pacific, Department of Land Management and Development, Oceania (Fiji)
    • State Agrarian University of Moldova, Faculty of Cadastre and Environmental Engineering, Moldova
    • University of West Indies, Surveying and Land Information, Trinidad
    • University of Lagos, Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics, Nigeria
    • Institute of Technology Bandung, Department of Geodetic Engineering, Indonesia
  • In addition the Council decided to request more information from three other academic institutions which have applied for academic membership. The Council also decided to prepare a document on requirements for membership in different categories to be discussed in the next Council meeting in January 2005.
  • Recorded that Wilfred Rodrigues, correspondent from Antigua has moved to Saint Lucia, WI and accepted his application to continue as a correspondent
  • Approved three new corporate members:
  • Confirmed that the 4th Regional Conference in 2005 will be held in Havana, Cuba. The planned dates are 26-29 September 2005, but these will be finally confirmed in the beginning of November 2004.
  • Decided to organise the 5th Regional Conference in Accra, Ghana, March 23-27, 2006
  • Confirmed the new dates for the FIG Congress 2006 in Munich to be held 8-13 October 2006 linked to Intergeo 2006 October 10-12, 2006
  • Decided to explore the possibilities to create an FIG prize or award for the Working Week/Congress in addition to the current Congress Prize for young surveyors. Ralf Schroth will prepare as discussion document on this for the Council
  • Decided that Stig Enemark will be in charge for the issues related mutual recognition and certification of personnel
  • Decided that Stig Enemark will prepare a discussion paper on the FIG database on consultants, an issue that has been discussed for several years in FIG

The next Council meeting will take place in Munich 28-30 January 2005. At this meeting Council will also make its proposal on the venue of the FIG Congress 2010 to the General Assembly.

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