3rd FIG Regional Conference
Jakarta, Indonesia, October 3-7, 2004

Regional Conferences have found their role - "Surveying the Future" a big success

The 3rd FIG Regional Conference this time arranged for the first time in the Asia and the Pacific region gathered more than 350 delegates from 33 countries to Jakarta, Indonesia, October 3-7, 2004. The number of delegates exceeded the expectations of the organisers who we worried that the bomb blast in Jakarta only two weeks prior the conference could scare some delegates. However more than 120 international participants attended the conference in spite of the long flights, several concurring events and travel warning from some countries like Australia, USA and the UK. The conference took place at the JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, which offered most outstanding facilities to the conference and excellent service in all aspects. In Jakarta there were no signs of security problems or concerns - except the sometimes chaotic traffic.

The focus of the 3rd FIG Regional Conference was on economic, environmental and social development combining these three main factors to promote sustainable development. The selected theme was “Surveying the Future – Contributions to Economic, Environmental and Social Development”, which was highlighted in the opening speech of Prof. Holger Magel, President of FIG. Three other topics can be selected from the conference programme that were very important to the Asia and Pacific region.

First is the close co-operation between surveying, geodesy and geoinformatics. FIG was very happy that several international sister organisations co-sponsored this event. These include the International Association of Geodesy (President Gerhard Beutler), the International Association of Cartography (Secretary General Ferjan Ormeling) and the International Society of Mine Surveying (President Yu Changxing).  A special workshop was also organised on the theme how international and regional associations can better co-operate in the Asia and Pacific region.

The second key topic was the professional standards and qualifications in Asia and in the ASEAN region in particular. This was also a topic for a plenary session followed by an expert panel discussion. The third important topic and a new approach in an FIG conference was a plenary session organised together with the World Bank on land administration projects in the Asia. Keith Bell from the World Bank made a keynote in this session. He also offered FIG possibilities for closer co-operation with the bank in the future.

The conference was organised by the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), the Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia (ISI) and the Indonesian National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (BAKOSURTANAL). As with the previous FIG regional conferences the event in Jakarta was co-sponsored by the United Nations and its agencies FAO, UNEP and UN-Habitat. The other partners included the Asean Federation of Land Surveying and Geomatics (The ASEAN FLAG), the Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia & the Pacific (PCGIAP). The local co-sponsors included the Ministry of Research and Technology (RISTEK), The Governor of Jakarta City Government (DKI) and Kepala Badan Pertanahan (BPN) (National Land Agency).

The technical programme of the conference included the opening ceremony with keynote presentations from Prof. Dr. Dorodjatum Kuntjoro-Jakti, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Mr. Rudolf Matindas, Head of BAKOSURTANAL and Prof. Holger Magel, President of FIG. There were totally five plenary sessions and 24 technical sessions. The technical sessions included more than 100 papers.

The technical exhibition was very professionally organised and introduced new technology and instruments. The size of the exhibition was limited to the foyer of the JW Marriott hotel, but the quality was outstanding. Thanks to the exhibitors, sponsors and FIG corporate members the organisers were able to give support to the local participants to attend the conference in big numbers.

Traditionally to an FIG Regional Conference the last day of the conference was reserved to a joint technical tour. This time the tour was made to Bogor, where the participants were able to visit the headquarters of BAKOSURTANAL and also to enjoy the famous botanical gardens in Bogor and see the tea plantations in Puncak Highlands.

In the social programme there were two highlights: the welcome reception hosted by HE Mr, Sutiyoso, the Governor of Jakarta at the Jakarta City Hall with traditional Indonesian dances and with delicate Indonesian meal; and the Indonesian evening at the Oasis restaurant with the traditional Rijsttafel dinner. 

At the closing ceremony President Holger Magel summarised the outcome of the conference to recommendations and to the Jakarta Statement. The Jakarta Statement states that "It is all about Sustainable Development . . .

"The Asia and the Pacific Region faces many exciting challenges in the fields of political, economic, environmental and social development. On the occasion of the 3rd FIG Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific “Surveying the Future – Contributions to Economic, Environmental and Social Development” (Jakarta, October 3-7, 2004) the International Federation of Surveyors and its international and national partners believe that a well-balanced sustainable development in urban and rural areas is the key factor for a prosperous future and for just human living conditions for all people in these countries and societies.

Surveyors can in a manifold way contribute to a more sustainable development from establishing a basic geodetic framework to monitoring measurements in risk areas, starting from cadastre, titling, valuation, spatial data infrastructure and planning to comprehensive land management in urban, rural, coastal and marine zones.

Surveyors request policy makers and society to better recognise the indispensable role of surveyors as part and partner of a emerging civil society and nation building. Surveyors demand policy makers to provide appropriate educational and professional frameworks and recognition.

FIG as the leading global umbrella organisation of surveyors feels deeply committed to the Asian and the Pacific region and is committed to further strengthen the profession in this important part of our common world."

The conference was a great success thanks to the Local Organising Committee chaired by Dr. Irawan Sumarto, Mr. Rudolf Matindas, Head of Bakosurtanal, Dr. Sobar Sutisna, President of the Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia and Diah Kirana, Secretary General of the conference. Many thanks to them and their whole team.

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