Closing ceremony |

The meeting room at the Holiday Inn was fully packed for the closing
ceremony. |

Thomas Gollwitzer was happy to announce the record attendance
figures to the congress. |

President Holger Magel summarised in his closing address the
outcomes of the congress and the German Administration of FIG. |

The president was very pleased to the congress and its findings.

... and so were the participants giving standing ovation to the
President and the organising team.

Thanks belong to the organising committee chaired by Thomas Gollwitzer
(FIG) and Walter Henninger (INTERGEO). |

President Magel and the organising committee lead with Thomas Gollwitzer
and Walter Henninger. |


President Magel thanks President Hagen Graeff, DVW for hosting
the FIG Congress and gives the FIG globe as a token of the event. |

Special thanks from the President to the Congress Director.

Hagen Graeff, President of DVW gives the responsibility and FIG banner
to Graham Marion, President of ISA for FIG 2010. |

Graham Marion, President of ISA and Hagen Graeff, President of DVW:

Graham Marion and Hagen Graeff. |

FIG Council listening to the FIG fanfare. |

... as well as the old and new commission chairs and all delegates. |

... "I declare the congress closed". |