News in 2023

FIG Foundation Young Surveyor Grant Recipients

March 2023

FIG Foundation received a total of 146 applications from 29 countries for the FIG FOundation Young Surveyor Grant to attend the FIG Working Week 2023. Thanks to all who submitted their application.

A Young Surveyor Committee together with a committeer from FIG Foundation went through all applications thoroughly, and evaluated each application with their recommendations. A tough but final decision was made selecting the final four recipients of the grant. The grant will cover air fare, accommodation and other costs related to their participation at the Working Week 2023 and the Young Surveyors meeting.

Each grant provides for transportation, accomodations, working week registration fee, young surveyors meeting registration fee, conference dinner, daily per diem, and visa reimbursement if necessary.

Congratulations to:




Louise Friis-Hansen
31 March 2023

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