Saturday, 12 May 2007 |
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Harbour I |
ACCO Meeting
Sunday, 13 May 2007 |
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Grand Ball Room |
General Assembly |
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Rose, Peony, Fanling, Magnolia, Tai Po, Camomile, ShekO, Lotus,
Jasmine, Laurel |
Commission Annual Meetings Meetings will be held as follows:
- Rose: Commission 1
- Peony: Commission 2
- Fanling: Commission 3
- Magnolia: Commission 4
- Tai Po: Commission 5
- Camomile: Commission 6
- ShekO: Commission 7
- Lotus: Commission 8
- Jasmine: Commission 9
- Laurel: Commission 10
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Orchid |
Welcome Reception |
Monday, 14 May 2007 |
Monday, 14 May 2007
Grand Ball Room |
Opening Ceremony
- Broadcast of HKIS Corporate Video
- Greeting by Ms. Winnie Shiu, Congress Director
- Welcome address by Mr. Hak Chan, BBS, Chairman of
FIGWW2007 Organising Committee
- Address by Mr. Raymond Chan, HKIS President
Address by Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President
- FIG Fanfare
- Lion Eye Dotting Ceremony by The Honourable Donald Tsang,
GBM, the Chief Executive of HKSAR, People’s Republic of China,
HKIS President and FIG President
- Opening of the FIG Working Week
- Lion Dance
- End of the Opening Ceremony
Monday, 14 May 2007
Ball Room Foyer |
Coffee Break |
Monday, 14 May 2007 11:45-12:45
Grand Ball Room |
Plenary Session I – Responding to the Global Agenda
Commission: All
Chair: Mr. Raymond Chan, President of HKIS, Hong Kong SAR,
Dr. The Honorable Leung Chun Ying, GBS, JP, Convener of
the Non-official Members of the Executive Council, Hong Kong SAR:
Global Expertise for Globalized Markets (2258)
[paper] [slides]Prof. Stig Enemark, President of FIG:
The Role of FIG in Responding the Millennium Goals and the Global
Agenda (2259)
[slides] |
Monday, 14 May 2007 12:45-14:00
Orchid and Ball Room Foyer |
Lunch |
Monday, 14 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Fanling |
TS 1A – Land Administration Concepts
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. András Osskó, Chair of Commission 7, Hungary
Rapporteur: Dr. Arbind Man Tuladhar, the NetherlandsDr. Clarissa Augustinus (Kenya), Prof. Peter van
Oosterom, Prof. Paul van der Molen and Mr. Christiaan
Lemmen (the Netherlands):
The Social Tenure Domain Model – Specifications of a First Draft
Model (1373)
Mr. Ulrik Westman, UN-Habitat (Kenya):
The Global Land Tool Network and Partners - Achievements and
Challenges on Pro Poor Land Management Approaches (2221)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Göran Eriksson (Sweden):
Cadastral Procedures in the Nordic Countries – A Comparison on
Prices, Costs and Handling-times (1184)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Sergey Volkov (Russian Federation)
Ms. Galina Kovalevskaya will make the presentation:
Land Administration System in Russian Federation (1224)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Paul van der Molen (the Netherlands):
Some Measures to Improve Transparency in Land Administration (1304)
[paper] [slides]
Monday, 14 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Tai Po |
TS 1B – Adjustment and Calculation
Chair: Mr. Man Wing Kan, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Lilje, SwedenProf. Abdallah Saad and Dr. Mona Saad (Egypt):
Simple Model for Improving the Accuracy of the Egyptian Geodetic
Triangulation Network (1226)
[paper] [slides]
Monday, 14 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Shek-O |
TS 1C – Management of Real Estate
Commission: 9, 7 and 8
Chair: Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Sweden
Mr. Yu Kam Hung, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaMr. Steven Nystrom (USA):
Risk and Time in a Land Lease Economy (1415)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Malvern Tipping and Prof. Richard K. Bullard*)
(United Kingdom):
Sale-and-leaseback as a British Real Estate Model (1201)
*) In memoriam Professor Dr. Richard K. Bullard,
FRICS (1935-2007)
[paper] [slides]
Ms. Heidi Falkenbach and Ms. Katri Nuuja (Finland):
Flat Ownership and Registration in Europe (1276)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Francois Mazuyer, Mr. Pierre Bibollet and Mr.
Rafic Khouri (France):
The Surveyor in the City - His Role in the Organisation and
Management of Apartment Buildings (1541)
[paper] [slides]
Monday, 14 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Kowloon I |
TS 1D – Spatial Data Infrastructures
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel
Rapporteur: Ms. Kari Strande, NorwayMr. Bo Lauri (Sweden):
Spatial Information, an Important Part of the Infrastructure in
Sweden (1343)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. So Man Cheong and Mr. Ng Wai Tak (Hong Kong SAR,
Spatial Data Exchange within the HKSAR Government – From a
Perspective of a Data Agent (1339)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Szabolcs Mihály (Hungary):
The Hungarian SDI Strategy (1632)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Michael Manisa and Dr. Boipuso Nkwae
Developing Botswana Spatial Data Infrastructure: From Concept to
Reality (1376)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Jens Riecken (Germany):
Spatial Information Management in the Context of SDI and
e-Government – The German Approach (1530)
Mr. Alain Gaudet (France):
Planning Procedure for L’Association Fonciere Urbaine Autorisee (Registered
Land Urban Association) (1535)
[paper] [slides] |
Monday, 14 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Harbour I |
TS 1E – Curriculum Development
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Bela Markus, Chair of Commission 2, Hungary
M. Lam Hok Lam, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaProf. Hans Mattsson (Sweden):
University Education for Land Tenure Development (1374)
Dr. Steven Frank (USA):
Designing a Surveying Curriculum to Meet Professional Licensing
Needs in New Mexico and Surrounding States (1266)
Mr. Peter Stempel (USA):
Crossroads: New Methods in Environmental Education (1398)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Adrian T. G. Radulescu, Prof. Georghe M. T.
Radulescu and Dr. Stefan Ovidiu (Romania):
Issues Concerning the Integration of the Romanian Geodesic Education
into the European One, Under the Stipulations of the Bologna
Agreement (1249)
[paper] [slides]
Monday, 14 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Harbour II |
TS 1F - Deformation Measurement
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Lam Li Wah, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Dr. Gethin Roberts, United KingdomDr. Andreas Eichorn, Dr. Johannes Fabiankowitsch,
Dr. Michaela Haberler-Weber and Dr. Alexander Reiterer
Analysis of Thermal Deformations of an Arched Theatre Ceiling (1279)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Eric Tang, Mr. Vincent Lui and Mr. Andrew
Wong (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Application of Automatic Deformation Monitoring System for Hong Kong
KSL Railway Monitoring (1326)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Milan Talich (Czech Republic):
Geometrical Analysis of Deformation Measurement Using Continuum
Mechanics by Web Application (1375)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Paul Denys, Ms. Rachelle Winefield and Mr.
Aaron Jordan (New Zealand):
Incorporating Localised Deformation Events in Dynamic Datums (1391)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Krzysztof Pietruszka (Poland):
Geodetic Inspections of Mining Areas in Regions Affected by the
Storage of Waste in Underground Mining Pits (1492)
[paper] [slides] |
Monday, 14 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Harbour III |
TS 1G - Cadastral Boundary Issues
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Conrad Tang, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Mr. Chow Kwan Lam, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaDr. Haim Srebro and Prof. Maxim Shoshani (Israel):
The Order of Precedence of Boundary Delimitations (1295)
Mr. Jiri Rydval and Mr. Libor Tomandl (Czech
Parcel Boundaries in the Czech Republic (1351)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Halil Ibrahim Inan and Mr. Mehmet Cete (Turkey):
Evaluation of Land Parcel Identification Systems (1404)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Leung Shou-chun (China P. R.):
Survey Record Plan vs. Survey Result Plan (1445)
[paper] [slides] |
Monday, 14 May 2007
Kowloon II |
TS 1H – Sustainability in Planning
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Simon Adcock, Chair of Commission 8, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Ioana Manaolache, RomaniaDr. Maria Ulfvarson Östlund (Sweden):
Changes in the Swedish Planning and Building Act – and a Method to
Analyse Information (1742)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. David Owen and Dr. Diane Dumashie (United
The Built Environment Professional’s Contribution to Major Disaster
Management (1531)
[paper] [slides] |
Monday 14 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Lotus |
Commission Meetings: Commission 1 – Working Group for Students
and Young Professionals – Open Meeting for Students and Young
Commission: 1 and 2 and Students and Young Professionals Network
Chair: Ms. Cecilia Lindén, Chair of Working Group 1.2, Sweden |
Monday, 14 May 2007 15:30-16:00
Orchid Foyer |
Coffee Break |
Monday, 14 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Fanling |
TS 2A – Standardization Approaches in Land
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Guyla Iván, Hungary
Rapporteur: Dr. Adriana Pulecka, PolandMr. Pete Kelsey (USA):
Integrating Survey, CAD and GIS into a Single Solution (1431)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Jarosław Bydłosz and Dr. Piotr Parzych (Poland):
The Cadastral Data Exchange Standards in Poland (1197)
This paper was not presented during the session.
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Dev Raj Paudyal (Nepal):
Nepalese Core Cadastral Data Model; Experiences from the Digital
Cadastre in Nepal (1232) This paper was not presented during the
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Hendriatiningsih Sadikin, Dr. Irawan Soemarto,
Dr. Bambang Edhie Leksono, Mr. Iwan Kurniawan, Ms.
Novi Kristina Dewi and Ms. Nanin Soegito (Indonesia):
Identification of 3-Dimensional Cadastre Model for Indonesian
Purpose (1740) This paper was not presented during the session.
[paper] [slides]
Monday, 14 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Tai Po |
TS 2B - Quality of Measurements
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. David Martin, France
Rapporteur: Mr. Andrew Hunter, CanadaDr. Limin Wu and Ms. Anna Li Feng Xia (China P.
R.) and Mr. Joël van Cranenbroeck (Belgium):
Procedures for Quality Control of GNSS Surveying Results Based on
Network RTK Corrections (1330)
[paper] [slides]
Monday, 14 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Shek-O |
TS 2C – Housing and Finance
Commission: 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10
Chair: Prof. Kauko Viitanen, Chair of Commission 9, Finland
Mr. Bengt Kjellson, SwedenMr. Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
Innovative Financing for Improvement of Slum Conditions (1470)
[paper] [slides]
Ms. Ann Jennervik (Sweden):
Dialogue on Core Issues re Access to Functioning Financial
Mechanisms for Slum Inhabitants (1346)
[paper] [slides] |
Monday, 14 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Kowloon I |
TS 2D - Data Modeling and Algorithms
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Bo Lauri, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Gerasimos Apostolatos, Greece
Prof. Lothar Gruendig, Dr. Frank Gielsdorf and Mr.
Bernd Aschoff (Germany):
Merging Different Data Sets Based on Matching and Adjustment
Techniques (1362)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Nagwa El-Ashmawy (Egypt):
Semi-Automatic Technique for 3D Building Model Generation (1495)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Nelson Yam Hon-fun (Hong Kong SAR, China):
3D Spatial Data in Lands Department, Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China (1345)
[slides] |
Monday, 14 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Harbour I |
TS 2E – Institutional and Organisational
Commission: 1
Chair: Mr. Yaacoub Saade, Chair of Commission 1, Lebanon
Rapporteur: Ms. Leonie Newnham, AustraliaMr. Iain Greenway (United Kingdom) and Prof. Stig
Enemark (Denmark):
FIG’s Contribution to Institutional and Organisational Development
Ms. Ebru H. Colak and Ms. Firdevs Yomralioglu (Turkey):
The Status of Women Surveyors in Turkey (1408)
This paper was not presented during the session.
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Brian Coutts (New Zealand):
The New Zealand Surveyor in the 21st Century (1486)
[paper] [slides] Mr. Pierre
Bibollet (France):
The French Surveyors' Youth Policy (1750)
[slides] |
Monday, 14 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Harbour II |
TS 2F – Monitoring of Large Structures
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. T.N. Wong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Prof. Alojz Kopacik, SlovakiaDr. Gethin Roberts, Mr. Chris Brown, Mr. Chris Atkins and Mr.
Xiaolin Meng (United Kingdom):
Further Results from Using GPS to Monitor the Deflections of the
Forth Road Bridge (1296)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Joel van Cranenbroeck (Belgium):
Continuous Beam Deflection Monitoring Using Precise Inclinometers
[paper] [slides]
Monday, 14 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Harbour III |
TS 2G - Cadastral Surveying
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Leung Shou Chun, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Mr. Libor Tomandl, Czech RepublicMr. Nirmalendu Kumar (India):
Renovating Cadastral Map – An Indian Perspective (1228)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Mehmet Cete and Mr. Halil Ibrahim Inan (Turkey):
An Overview of Turkish Cadastral Organisation: A Good Practice
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Tayfun Cay, Mr. Selim Adibelli and Mr. Fatih
Iscan (Turkey):
Second Cadastre Design for Turkey (1246)
[paper] [slides]
Monday, 14 May 2007
Kowloon II |
TS 2H - Round Table on Education in Asia and the Pacific
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Bela Markus, Chair of Commission 2, Hungary
Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Frank, USAThe roundtable is a forum for discussion and exchange of views on
the future of surveying education in developing countries around in
Asia and the Pacific paying particular attention the role of FIG
Commission 2.
[slides] |
Monday 14 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Lotus |
Commission Meetings: Commission 4 – Meeting on Regional
Conference in Costa Rica
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Andrew Leyzack, Chair of Commission 4, Canada |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 |
Tuesday 15 May 2007 8:00-9:00
Lotus |
Commission Working Group Meetings: Commission 9 WG 9.2 –
Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Chair of WG 9.2, Sweden
[slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 09:00-10:30
Grand Ball Room |
Plenary Session II – Governing Mega Cities – Policies and
Technical Aspects
Commission: All
Chair: Mr. Marco Wu, SBS, JP, Past President of HKIS, Hong Kong SAR,
Rapporteur:Prof. Holger Magel (Germany):
Governance Makes a City – Lessons Learnt to Promote Local Governance
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Albert Leung, Engineering System Manager, Hong Kong
and China Gas Co. Ltd. (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Managing Urban Utilities – Technical Aspects (2260)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Tony Tse, Past President of HKIS (Hong Kong SAR,
Land Markets and Real Estate Development in Mega Cities – Experiences
from Hong Kong (2261)
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday 15 May 2007 9:00-10:30
Lotus |
Standards Network Meeting
Chair: Mr. Iain Greenway, Chair of the FIG Standards
Network, United Kingdom |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 10:30-11:00
Orchid Foyer |
Coffee Break |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Fanling |
TS 3A - Land Tenure and Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Prof. Paul van der Molen, FIG Vice President, the
Rapporteur: Ms. Marina Vaskovich, BelarusMs. Katie Henderson, Mr. Jofe Jenkins and Dr. Chris Hoogsteden
(New Zealand):
Pitcairn Island Land Tenure Reform – Altering the Land Ownership and
Land Use Patterns in the Furthermost “Pink Bit”.1 (1213)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Muhammad Bashar Nuhu (Nigeria):
Urban Land Management: The Need for Innovative Approaches to Land
Registration System in Nigeria (1315)
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Tai Po |
TS 3B – Airborne Surveying – Laserscanners and
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Chen YQ, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Mr. David Martin, FranceProf. Ralf Schroth (Germany):
Large Format Digital Cameras for Aerial Survey of Geospatial
Information (1206)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Abdallah Saad, Dr. Mona Saad, Prof. Ahmed Shaker and Dr.
Amro Hanafi (Egypt):
Restore Technique for Improving the Datum Transformation Process
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Shek-O |
TS 3C - Valuation Practice
Commission: 9 and 1
Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, USA
Ms. Heidi Falkenbach, FinlandMr. Shen Xiaowei and Mr.
Gong Fangqiang (China P. R.):
A Brief Discussion of Commercial Real Estate Appraisal (1757)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Bambang Edhi Leksono, Mr. Andri Hernandi and
Mr. Liber Sinaga (Indonesia):
The Analysis of Variables which Influence Rent-value of Units on
Multi-level Commercial Building Based on 3D Network Data Structure
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Oyewole Mustapha Bello and Mrs. Victoria A. Bello (Nigeria):
The Influence of Contemporary Models on Valuation Practice in
Nigeria (1283) This paper was not presented during the session.
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Dieter Kertscher (Germany):
Base of Transparency in Markets of Real Estate in Germany: Purchase
Price Collection and the Report of Real Estate (1457)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Kang Du (China P. R.):
Land Property Evaluation in System Reform of State-owned Enterprises:
Evidence from Shenzhen (1526)
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Kowloon I |
TS 3D – Web-based Approaches to Spatial
Information Management
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Szabolcs Mihály, Hungary
Rapporteur: Mr. Cheng Wai Pun, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaMr. Lam Siu Tong and Ms. Pauline Pang Mei Tuan (Hong Kong SAR,
Building Records e-Search – Building Records at Your Finger Tips
Dr. Bi Jiantao, Ms. Wang Xingxing, Mr. He
Jianbang and Mr. Chi Tianhe (China P.
Sharing and Distributed Service of Remote Sensing Data via Internet
This paper was not presented during the session.
Dr. Lee Kiwon (Republic of Korea):
Prototype Implementations for Multi-typed 3D Urban Features
Visualization on Mobile 3D and Web 3D Environments (1214)
This paper was not presented during the session.[paper] [slides] Ms.
Gypsy Bhalla (Australia):
Australian Spatial Data Policy: Legal Issues Arising from Data
Delivery via the Internet (1704)
[slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Harbour I |
TS 3E – Role of Public and Private Sectors
Commission: 1
Chair: Mr. Teo CheeHai, Malaysia
Rapporteur: Mr. Law King Wai, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaDr. Joseph Forrai (Israel):
The Government and the Private Sector – Shotgun Wedding or an
Inevitable Relationship? (1221)
Mr. Iain Greenway (United Kingdom):
National Mapping – Funding the Public Good (1312)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Ron Adler and Mr. Moshe Benhamu (Israel):
Professional Ethics for Licensed Surveyors – The Proposal for a
Social Contract (1387)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Ashley Dabson, Mr. Mike Waters and Prof.
Frances Plimmer (United Kingdom):
Ethics for Surveyors: What Are the Problems? (1386)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Ken Allred (Canada):
The Disciplinary Process (1460)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Alexander P. Karpik and Mr. Vladimir A. Seredovich (Russian
Current Publications on Geodesy in Russia (1171)
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Harbour II |
TS 3F – Subsidence and Landslide Monitoring
Commission: 6
Chair: Dr. Andreas Eichorn, Austria
Rapporteur: Prof. Alojz Kopacik, SlovakiaMr. Vincent Lui, Mr. Jacky Ng, Dr. Alan K. L. Kwong (Hong Kong
SAR, China)
Reclamation Ground Settlement Monitoring by Using GPS and Other
Positioning Technologies at ShenZhen Airport (1286)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Zhang Zhenglu, Dr. Luo Changlin, Mr. Mei Wensheng, Mr.
Deng Yong and Mr. Liu Zuqiang (China, P. R.):
Study of 2G Technology and Method for Landslide Monitoring (1297)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Andrew Jarosz and Mr. Hani Zahiri (Australia):
Integration of InSAR and GIS for Monitoring of Subsidence Induced by
Block-cave Mining (1368)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Xiaoli Ding and Mr. Wujiao Dai (Hong Kong SAR, China),
Prof. Qin Zhang and Mr. Li Wang (China, P. R.) and Mr.
Wentao Yang (Hong
Kong SAR, China):
Application of Multi-Antenna GPS Technology in Monitoring Stability
of Slopes (1399)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. C. C. Chang, Dr. P. S. Hung and Mr. H. Z. Chen (Chinese
Fitness Analysis of Land Subsidence Estimation for GPS Monitoring
Station (1479)
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Harbour III |
TS 3G – Management of Partnerships and Conflict
Commission: 10
Chair: Ms. Sara J. Wilkinson, Chair WG 10.1, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Richard A. Hucker, Chair WG 10.3, United
Mr. John M. D. Bacon (United Kingdom):
Does Collaborative Working (Partnering) Enable the More Effective
Integration of Surveying Services? (1300)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. John Molloy (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Civil Engineering Measurement Claims in Hong Kong (1664)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Geoffrey Schmitt (United Kingdom):
Surveyors Acting as Expert Witness (1878)
[paper] [slides]
Ms. Leonie Newnham and Prof. John Parker
Surveyors – Land Professionals, Adventurers, Pioneers and Now
Entrepreneurs? (1420)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. S. Thomas Ng (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Using Balanced Scorecard for Subcontractor Performance Appraisal
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Kowloon II |
TS 3H – Surveyors Role in Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Christian Lemmen, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. K. K. Sin, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaMr. Moshe Benhamu and Mr. Yoav Coller (Israel):
The Responsibility and Involvement of the Surveyors in the Land
Administration (1380)
[paper] [slides]
Ms. Eleni Tziortzioti (Greece):
Surveyor Engineer and Organizational Reform in Hellenic Public
Sector’s Services (1510)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Armel Bertin, Mr. Patrick Bezard-Falgas and Mr.
Rafic Khouri (France):
New IT Tools Enhance the Surveyors Role in France (1749)
Dr. Tayfun Cay and Mr. Sefa Ozkan (Turkey):
The Registration Problems in Cappadocia/Turkey (1264)
[slides] |
Tuesday 15 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Jasmine |
Meeting of the FIG Academic Members
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, Denmark and Prof. Bela Markus,
Hungary |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 12:30-14:00
Orchid and Ball Room Foyer |
Lunch |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Fanling |
TS 4A – Land Administration for Economic Growth
Commission: 7 and 8
Chair: Mr. Simon Adcock, Chair of Commission 8, Australia
Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, the NetherlandsMs. Clara Kweka Msale (Tanzania):
Ownership and Economic Growth at What Cost? (1305)
[paper] [slides]
Miss Nsama Nsemiwe (Zambia):
Enhancing Pro Poor Land Administration: A Vision for Economic Growth
Development in Zambia (1349)
Mr. Robert Mahoney, Prof. Peter Dale and Mr. Robin McLaren
(United Kingdom):
Land Markets – What Are They and Why Are They Required and How Will
They Develop? (1352)
Mr. Mike Waters, Prof. Frances Plimmer, Ms. Sarah Kenney and Ms. Gaye Pottinger
(United Kingdom):
Developer Strategies for Sustainable Development in the UK:
Redevelopment versus Refurbishment and the Sustainable Communities
Plan (1385)
Prof. Francis Gäbele and Mr. Marc Vanderschueren (Belgium):
The General Administration of the Patrimonial Documentation: An
Actor of the Juridical Security and of the Economic Growth in
Belgium (1273)
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Tai Po |
TS 4B – GNSS 1
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Simon Kwok, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Dr. Volker Schwieger, GermanyDr. Zuova Zheng (China P.R.), Prof. Yongqi Chen (Hong Kong SAR,
China) and Mr. Zhonghai Yi (China P. R.) :
A Study on the Prediction of GPS Satellite Clock Bias with IGS
Ultra-rapid Products – Preliminary Results (1348)
This paper was not presented during the session.[paper]
Ms. Iu Ka Man (Macau SAR, China):
Macao Geodetic Infrastructure: Permanent GPS Reference Stations
[slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Shek-O |
TS 4C – Valuation Methods
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Henning Elmstrom, Denmark
Rapporteur: Mr. Albert Chan, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaDr. Anna Baranska and Prof. Jozef Czaja (Poland):
Statistical Verification of Real Estate Estimation Models (1275)
Mr. Marek Kulczycki and Mr. Marcin Ligas (Poland):
Spatial Statistics for Real Estate Data (1274)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. David Smejkal (Czech Republic):
Using Software for Valuation (1633)
This paper was not presented during the session.
[slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Kowloon I |
TS 4D – SDI in Support of Real Estate Markets
Commission: 3 and 9
Chair: Mr. Robert W. Foster, USA
Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Nystrom, USAMs. Ewa Dębińska and Dr. Piotr Cichociński (Poland):
Conceptual Modelling of Real Estates for the Purposes of Mass
Appraisal (1290)
Dr. Chryssy Potsiou (Greece):
Real Estate Market Needs for SDI and e-Planning (2262)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Yossi Kraus, Mr. U. Shoshani and Dr. Yerach Doytsher
Precise Coordinate LIS for Improving Planning and Land Registration
Processes in the Modern Real Estate Markets (1681)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Bambang Edhi Leksono, Mr. Dicky A.S. Soeria Atmadja
and Mr. I Made Sugiada (Indonesia):
Improvement of Property Tax Office's Spatial Data Security through
Spatial Database Redesign (2085)
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Harbour I |
TS 4E – e-Learning and Knowledge Management
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. Arbind Man Tuladhar, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Peter Byrne, Australia
Dr. Steven Frank (USA):
Experiences in Providing a Nation-wide Distance Education Course in
Surveying Ethics (1267)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Tamas Jancso and Prof. Bela Markus (Hungary):
Reuse and Sharing of e-Learning Materials Inside the EU (1243)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Richard Davis and Prof. Paul Watson (United Kingdom) and Ms.
Chi Lai Man (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Knowledge Management for the Quantity Surveying Profession (1260)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Luo Changlin, Prof. Zhang Zhenglu, Dr. Mei Wensheng and Dr.
Deng Yong (China, P. R.):
Teaching Practice of Automatic Measurement with Georobot (1299)
[paper] [slides]
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Harbour II |
TS 4F – Engineering Applications
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Frank Cheng, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Dr. Ivo Milev, GermanyMr. Andrew Lee Hung Shing (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Engineering Survey System for TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) Tunnel
Construction (1320)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Joel van Cranenbroeck (Belgium):
Advanced Surveying Control Services for Building the Vertical Cities
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Andrew Jarosz and Mr. James Langdon (Australia):
Development of Inspection and Surveying Tool for Vertical Mining
Openings and Shafts (1371)
[paper] [slides]
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Harbour III |
TS 4G – Construction Economics and Development
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Andrew M. Morley, Chairman of Commission 10,
United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Howard M. Klein, United Kingdom
Dr. Paul Ho (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Economics Planning of Super Tall Buildings in Asia Pacific (1673)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Ellen Lau and Mr. K. S. Yam (Hong Kong SAR,
A Study of the Economic Value of High-rise Office Buildings in China
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Richard Hucker (United Kingdom):
Planning and Development in Northern Iraq (1513)
[paper] [slides]
Ms. Sara Wilkinson (Australia):
Perceived Deficiencies and the Policing of Building Regulations: An
Australian Perspective (1440)
[paper] [slides]
Ms. Wang Fen, Mr. Li Dawei, Mr. Wang Chao,
Ms. Liu Yong and Ms. Lin Yan (China, P. R.):
Explanation on the 3rd Edition of “Construction Projects Economic
Evaluation Method and Parameter” (1233)
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday 15 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Kowloon II |
TS 4H – SIM Applications
Commission: 3
Chair: Ms. Eleni Tziortzioti, Greece
Rapporteur: Prof. Hartmut Müller, GermanyMr. Volkan Yildirim and Mr. Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu (Turkey):
An e-Enrollment Model for Public Schools in Developing Countries
Using GIS (1401)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Tsoi Cheong-wai (Hong Kong SAR, China):
HKSAR Geospatial Information Hub (GIH) – A Common Geospatial
Information Platform and Spatial Data Portal (1672)
[paper] [slides]
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 15:30-16:00
Orchid Foyer |
Coffee Break |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Fanling |
TS 5A – GNSS 2
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, AustraliaDr. Joel Barnes (Australia), Mr. Joel van Cranenbroeck
(Belgium), Prof. Chris Rizos, Mr. Anuj Pahwa and Mr.
Nonie Politi (Australia):
Long Term Performance Analysis of a New Ground-transceiver
Positioning Network (LocataNet) for Structural Deformation
Monitoring Applications (1392)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Donald Chun-ting Choi, Mr. James Ying-kit Wong,
Ben Siu-bun Chan (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Investigation on GPS Heighting Accuracy with the Use of Hong Kong
Satellite Positioning Reference Station Network (SatRef) (1333)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Brent Jones and Mr. Kevin Kelly (USA):
Real Time GPS Networks (RTN) and Their Implications with Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) (1314)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Chan Kin-Kwok and Mr. Li Ben Chi-hung (Hong
Kong SAR, China):
The Hong Kong Satellite Positioning Reference Station Network (SatRef)
– System Configurations, Services and Applications (1332)
[paper] [slides]
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Tai Po |
TS 5B – Digital Cadastral Mapping
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Francis Gäbele, Belgium
Rapporteur: Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, BelgiumMr. Dev Raj Paudyal (Nepal):
Assessment of the Digital Cadastre in Nepal from the Cadastre 2014
Vision (1234)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Tayfun Cay and Mr. Fatih Iscan (Turkey):
A Study on the Determination of the Maximum Error in Digitizing
Cadastral Map Sheets (1262)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Ko JeongSeok, Mr. Park Sungseok and Mr. Shin
Donghyun (Republic of Korea):
The Consecutive Drawings’ Mapping Plan through the Computerization
Project of the Cadastral Map in Korea (1397)
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Shek-O |
TS 5C – Real Estate Valuation
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. David Smejkal, Czech Republic
Rapporteur: Ms. Cherry Mak, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaMr. Antonio Benvenuti (Italy):
The Value of Real Estate between Building and Land (1277)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Piotr Parzych and Dr. Jarosław Bydłosz (Poland):
The Algorithm of Urban Estates Valuation (1244)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Sabina Żróbek and Prof. Ryszard Żróbek (Poland):
Real Estate Valuation for Special Purposes in Poland (1251)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Tahsin Yomralioglu, Mr. Recep Nisanci and Mr.
Volkan Yildirim
An Implementation of Nominal Asset Based Land Readjustment (1426)
[paper] [slides]
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Kowloon I |
TS 5D – Technical Aspects in SIM
Commission: 3
Chair: Ms. Helen Murray, Ireland
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Mahoney, United Kingdom
Drs. Oscar Custers (the Netherlands):
The Geospatial Managed Environment (1245)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Zhong Zheng, Dr. Tor Yam Khoon and Ms. Zhang
Xianhui (Singapore):
Automated 3D Geological Surface Modelling With CDT (1241)
This paper was not presented during the session.[paper] [slides]
Dr. Wioleta Blaszczak and Prof. Waldemar Kaminski (Poland):
Data Number Reduction in Measurement Results Set Using Optimization
Algorithm (1388) This paper was not presented during the session.
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Harbour I |
TS 5E – Mutual Recognition (TS 33)
Commission: 1 and 2
Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President, Denmark
Prof. Frances Plimmer, United KingdomMr. Teo Chee Hai (Malaysia):
Mutual Recognition of Surveying Qualification: Theory, Concept or
Reality? (1289)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Frances Plimmer (United Kingdom):
Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (1382)
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Harbour II |
TS 5F – Building Information Systems and GIS
Commission: 6 and 3
Chair: Mr. G. A. Andreassend, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Mr. Joel van Cranenbroeck, BelgiumMr. Christian Clemen and Prof. Lothar Gruendig (Germany):
The IMAP Principle in Building Information Systems (1278)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Thorsten Schwing (Germany):
Measurements and Documentation of Buddhist Stone Inscriptions in
China, Shandong (1247)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Sabahatting Akkus, Mr. Hasan Cagla, Mr. Fuat Basciftci and
Mr. Turgut Ayten (Turkey):
Petrol and Natural Gas Distribution Lines in Turkey and Cartography
Studies (1235)
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Harbour III |
TS 5G – Affordable and Sustainable Development
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Richard A. Hucker, Chair WG 10.3, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. John M. D. Bacon, United KingdomMs. Sara Wilkinson and Dr. Richard Reed (Australia):
Barriers and Drivers towards the Transition to a Low Carbon Built
Environment (1434)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Howard Klein (United Kingdom):
The Cost of Constructing Affordable and Sustainable Housing and
Community Buildings in the Andaman Islands (1379)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Muhammad Bashar Nuhu (Nigeria):
Property Development as a Panacea to Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Hubert Hiew Hon Hiung and and Mr. Peter NG (Hong
Kong SAR, China)::
How the Quantity Surveyor Can Create Values in the Procurement of
Construction Works in Hong Kong (1665)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Maurizio Savoncelli (Italy):
A New Economic-managerial Approach for the Whole Die of Building
The paper was read by Ms. Maria Scorza
[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday 15 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Kowloon II |
TS 5H – Spatial Data Modelling and Sharing
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Paul Ng, Hong Kong SAR, China
Mr. G. A. Andreassend, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaDr. Jan Kolar, Dr. Erik Kjems, Dr. Lars Bodum
and Prof. Esben Munk Sørensen (Denmark):
Global Surface Model Using Space Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission
Dataset and Global Grid Indexing (1340)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Ma LiGuang, Mr. He JianBang and Mr. Cao
YanRong (China P. R.):
Study on Data Management and Sharing Service Based Metadata and
Dataset Concept – A Case Study in Environment Sciences and Ecology
Area (1582)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. He JianBang, Mr. Cao YanRong and Mr. Ma
LiGuang (China P. R.):
Research and Practice on Information Sharing Environment in China
Sustainable Development Information System (1583)
This paper was not presented during the session.[paper] [slides] |
Tuesday 15 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Lotus |
Dialogue on Core Issues re Improving Slum Conditions through
Innovative Financing – Part I: Land Use Management and Property
Rights. Implications for Access to Finance
Commission: 9, 3, 7 and 8
Chair: Ms. Ann Jennervik, Sweden |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 |
Wednesday 16 May 2007 8:00-9:00
Lotus |
Commission Meetings: Commission 8 – Annual Meeting Second Session
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Simon Adcock, Chair of Commission 8, Australia |
Wednesday 16 May 2007 08:00-09:00
Jasmine |
Commission Meetings - Commission 3 Meeting - Second Session
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Greece
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 09:00-10:30
Grand Ball Room |
Plenary Session III – Responding to the Global Agenda – Policies
and Technical Aspects
Commission: All
Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President, Denmark
Rapporteur:Mr. Keith Bell (World Bank):
Good Governance in Land Administration (2219)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Theo Kötter (Germany):
Disaster Risk Management – Surveyors Contributions (2263)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Xiao Ping, Deputy Director General, Shan Xi Province,
State Bureau of Survey and Mapping (China P. R.):
Development of Survey and Mapping in China (2264)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 10:30-11:00
Orchid Foyer |
Coffee Break |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Fanling |
TS 6A – Case Studies on Land Administration Projects
in Asia and the Pacific
Commission: World Bank and Commission 7
Chair: Mr. Keith Bell, World Bank
Prof. Paul van der Molen, FIG Vice President, the NetherlandsMr. Tony Burns (World Bank) and Dr. Kate Dalrymple,
Land Administration Core Comparisons (2168)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Do Duc Doi, Director VLAP (Vietnam):
Work in MONRE and Proposed Vietnam Land Administration Program
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Daniel Carter and Mr. Bounhom Heuangsovath
Developing a Modern Cadastre in Lao PDR (2211)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Tai Po |
TS 6B – Land Use and Land Management in Land
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Ms. Eleni Tziorzioti, Greece
Rapporteur: Ms. Eleni Tziorzioti, GreeceMr. Turgut Ayten, Mr. Hasan Cagla, Mr. Sabahattin Akkus, Mr.
Basciftci and Mr. Hakan Yilmaz (Turkey):
An Evaluation on Classification Maps in Project Applications of Land
Arrangement in Turkey (1288)
This paper was not presented during the session.
[paper] [slides]
Ms. Marina Vaskovich (Belarus):
Does the Chain “Subdivision – Purchase – Building Permit” Work
Properly in Sweden? (1378)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Adrianna Pulecka and Mr. Przemyslaw Kupidura (Poland):
GIS Supporting Landscape Issues in Land Consolidation Works in
Poland (1242)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Shek-O |
TS 6C – Forum on New Techniques for Positioning
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Joel van Cranenbroeck, Belgium and Mr. Matt
Higgins, FIG Vice President, Australia
Rapporteur: Prof. Rudolf Staiger, Chair of Commission 5,
Germany and Dr. Ruth E. Neilan, USAMr. Joel van Cranenbroeck (Belgium):
Proposal to Organise During the FIG Working Week 2007 in Hong Kong,
a Kick-Off Session to Evaluate the Interest of Creating a New
Working Group Named ”Positioning Infrastructures” within the FIG
Commission 5 – Positioning and Measurement. (1331)
Background paper.
- Chris Rizos, Australia [slides]
- Dave Zilkoski, USA [slides]
- Esmond Mok, Hong Kong SAR, China [slides]
- Matt Higgins, Australia [slides]
- Rudolf Staiger, Germany [slides]
- Robert Sarib, Australia [slides]
- Joël van Cranenbroeck, Belgium [slides]
- Marc Burbidge, United Kingdom [slides]
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Kowloon I |
TS 6D – Spatial Information Management Applications
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Jens Riecken, Germany
Rapporteur: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, GreeceMr. Poon Hin-chow and Ms. Wong Kam-fung (Hong Kong SAR, China):
The Production and Applications of Digital Orthophoto of Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region, China (1428)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Sandi Iksan Nugraha, Mr. Drajat Setiawan and Mr.
Benget May
Ronson Hutauruk (Indonesia):
GIS Application for Effective and Efficient Reporting and
Information Media in PT Freeport Under Ground Mine (1538)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Leung Kin-wah and Ms. Leung Yuen-ling, Joanna (China P. R.):
Who Owns the Map? (1338)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Seyit Ali Yilmaz (Turkey):
Observatıon of Land Transport Vehıcles from Satellite (1208)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Harbour I |
TS 6E – Building a Sustainable Future
Commission: 2 and 1
Chair: Mr. Gert Steinkellner, Austria
Rapporteur: Mr. Peter Stempel, USA
Mr. John Hohol (USA):
The FIG Foundation- Building a Sustainable Future: A Report on
Activities Supported by Foundation Grants (1396)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Rob Mahoney and Prof. Frances Plimmer (United Kingdom), Prof.
John Hannah (New Zealand) and Mr. James Kavanagh (United Kingdom):
Where Are We Heading? The Crisis in Surveying Education and a
Changing Profession (1381)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Paul Watson and Mr. Richard Davis (United Kingdom):
Developing the 'All-round' Professional Surveyor (1263)
This paper was not presented during the session.
[paper] [slides]
Ms. Leonie Newnham and Prof. John Parker (Australia):
Surveyors – Land Professionals, Adventurers, Pioneers and Now
Entrepreneurs? (1420)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Harbour II |
TS 6F – Terrestrial Laser Scanning I
Commission: 6 and 5
Chair: Prof. Lothar Gruendig, Germany
Rapporteur: Dr. Gethin Roberts, United KingdomDr. Gethin Roberts and Mr. Matthew Baddley (United Kingdom):
Deformation Monitoring Trials Using a Leica HDS3000 (1292)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Ivo Milev and Prof. Lothar Gruendig (Germany):
New Tools for Terrestrial Laserscanning Applied to Monitoring of
Rails and Buildings (1294)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Wai Ching Dominic Siu and Mr. Lik Shan Lesly Lam (Hong Kong
SAR, China):
3D Modelling of Star Ferry Pier by Laser Scanning Technology (1324)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Andrew Wong, Dr. Alan Kwong and Mr. Jacky Ng
(China, P. R.):
Monitoring Slope Failure at Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre
with a 3D Laser Scanner (1285)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Chow Kwan Lam (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Engineering Survey Applications of Terrestrial Laser Scanner in
Highways Department of the Government of Hong Kong Special
Administration Region (HKSAR) (1488)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Harbour III |
TS 6G – e-Government and Land Administration
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Ms. Kari Strande, Norway
Mr. Gyula Iván, HungaryMr. Bruno Razza (Italy):
Research of the "Prove" and Conservation of the Real Rights within
the Modern, Technological and Telematic Cadastre (1280)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Zhang Xiuzhi and Ms. Li Yuan (China P. R.):
Establishment of the e-Government System for Real Estate Mortgage
Registration (1357)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Stefan Gustafsson and Ms. Agnieszka Drewniak (Sweden):
EULIS – European Land Information Service (1364)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Nam Kwonmo, Mr. Tcha Deukgii and Mr. Jung
Raejung (Republic of Korea):
Development of Server to Service Cadastral Survey-Data (1355)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. András Osskó (Hungary):
Cadastre, Land Administration Systems and e-Government (1493)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday 16 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Kowloon II |
TS 6H – Real Estate Valuation and Land Acquisition
Commission: 9
Chair: Prof. Kauko Viitanen, Chair of Comm. 9, Finland
Ms. Heidi Falkenbach, FinlandMr. Liao Fanyou (China P. R.):
China’s Requisition of Land and the Relocation of the Market
Research (1527)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Ryszard Źróbek and Ms. Sabina Źróbek (Poland):
Procedure of Real-estate Acquisition by Foreigners in Poland (1252)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Andrzej Hopfer and Dr. Wojciech Wilkowski (Poland):
International Organizations in Real Estate Valuation Environment and
Their Relations with FIG (1934)
[paper] [slides]
Vice President Li Jia Lin (China P. R.):
Standardized Management and Competitiveness Nurturing of the
Property Valuation Industry in the People's Republic of China (2281)
This paper was not presented during the session.
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday 16 May 2007 11:00-12:30
Lotus |
Dialogue on Core Issues re Improving Slum Conditions through
Innovative Financing – Part 2: Land Management Practices and Tools
and Their Links to Efficient Finance
Commission: 9, 3, 7 and 8
Chair: Ms. Ann Jennervik, Sweden |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 12:30-14:00
Orchid and Ball Room Foyer |
Lunch |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Fanling |
TS 7A – Conflicts – Informal Settlements: Policy and
Commission: 7 and 8
Chair: Mr. Ulrik Westman, UN-Habitat, Kenya
Rapporteur: Mr. G. A. Andreassend, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaDr. Oyewole Mustapha Bello (Nigeria):
Accessibility to Land as a Tool for Empowering the Low-income Earner
of the Informal Sector in Nigeria (1282)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Haim Srebro (Israel):
Model of Boundary Delimitation in a Peace Agreement (1291)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Zhang Xiuzhi and Ms. Chen Yuting (China, P. R.):
An Empirical Study of the Land Use of the Minority Ethnic Group’s
Rural Settlements – Taking the Manchu Village in Beijing for an
Example (1358)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Diane Dumashie (United Kingdom):
The Road Towards More Sustainable Places: The Surveying
Professional’s Contribution within Informal Settlements (1480)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Tai Po |
TS 7B – Coastal Zone Management and Environmental
Commission: 8 and 4
Chair: tbd
Mr. Gordon Johnston, United KingdomMr. Dave Zilkoski, Mr. Douglas Brown and Mr. Galen Scott (USA):
Geospatial Tools for Addressing Disaster Management, Coastal
Settlements, and Climate Change Issues (1395)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Sagi Filin, Dr. Yoav Avni and Mr. Amit Baruch (Israel):
Quantification of Environmental Change in Receding Lake Environments
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Liu Hongbin (China P. R.):
Sustainable Development of Shandong Coastal Tourism Industry in
China (1992)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Chima
Ogba and Mr. Pius B. Utang (Nigeria):
Vulnerability and Adaptations of Nigeria’s Niger Delta Coast
Settlements to Sea Level Rise (1342)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Shek-O |
TS 7C – New Techniques and Sensors for
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Aaron Jordan, New Zealand
Dr. Volker Schwieger (Germany):
High-Sensitivity GNSS – The Low-Cost Future of GPS ?! (1370)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Kenny Chan Chi-hung and Mr. Ben Chan Siu-bun (Hong
Kong SAR, China):
Positioning Services in Web 2.0 (1334)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Andrew Hunter, Dr. Naser El-Sheimy, Mr.
Bruce Wright and Mr. Gordon Stenhouse (Canada):
a-tracker: A Technology Solution for Animal Tracking Using GPS and
an Internal Pedometer (1722)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Neil Weston, Dr. Gerald Mader and Dr. Tomas
Soler (USA):
OPUS Projects – A Web-based Application to Administer and Process
Multi-day GPS Campaign Data (1679)
[paper] [slides] Mr. Tong Kwan-yuen (Hong
Kong SAR, China):
A Preliminary Study on Practical Issues in Using RTK GPS for 3D
Mapping (1620)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Shen Tsung-I, Mr. Chang Che-Hao and Mr.
Huang Pei-Yuh (Chinese Taipei):
Application Research of GRP3000 Absolute Coordinates Track Survey
System on Trackworks Construction (1741)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Kowloon I |
TS 7D – SDI for Land Management
Commission: 3, 7 and 8
Chair: Mr. Cheng Wai Pun, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Mr. Robin McLaren, United KingdomMr. Phillip Rudd and Mr. Rob Sarib (Australia):
The Integration of Visualisation Services into the e-Development
Process in the Northern Territory of Australia (1372)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Hartmut Müller and Mr. Mirko Siebold (Germany):
Land Use Control and Property Registration in Germany – Procedures,
Interrelationships, IT Systems (1248)
[paper] [slides]
Ms. Helen Murray (Ireland):
Spatial Data Management – An Essential Building Block for Land
Management in Ireland (1359)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Arbind Tuladhar (the Netherlands):
Land Information System (LIS) in Multilevel Environment (1394)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. He Wen (China P. R.), Dr. Conrad Tang and Prof.
Chen Yong-qi (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Enhancement of Urban Spatial Data Infrastructure in South China
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Harbour I |
TS 7E – Marketing and Sustainability in Education
Commission: 2
Chair: Mr. John Hohol, USA
Rapporteur: Mr. Gert Steinkellner, Austria
Dr. Arvo Vitikainen (Finland):
Marketing of Surveying Education in Finland (1298)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Peter Byrne and Ms. Gail Kelly (Australia):
The ABC of x,y,z (or '21 Principles for Consideration by Geospatial
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Anthony Adeoye (Nigeria):
Changes in Surveying Practices in Nigeria: Opportunities,
Responsibilities and Challenges (1310)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Harbour II |
TS 7F – Hydrographic Surveying in Practice
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Andrew Leyzack, Chair of Commission 4, Canada
Rapporteur: Mr. David Neale, Trinidad and Tobago
Dr. Shen Qiang, Prof. E. Dongchen and Mr. Jin Yinlong (China P.
Crossover Analysis of Lambert-Amery Ice Shelf Drainage Basin for
Elevation Changes Using ICESat GLAS Data (1272)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Steve Y. W. Lam and Mr. Andrew E. Leyzack (Canada):
Integrating GIS, ECDIS and Web-based Marine Information System for
Maritime Navigation and Coastal Protection (2230)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Chan Kai-hong (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Test on Retrieving Tide with Network-RTK System (1981)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. John McCarthy (Australia):
A Day is Never Long Enough (2214)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Harbour III |
TS 7G – Integration Approaches in Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Daniel Roberge, Canada
Rapporteur: Mr. Gyula Iván, HungaryMr. Dimo Todorovski (Macedonia FYROM) and Mr.
Christiaan Lemmen (the Netherlands):
Analyses of User Requirements – The First Step towards Strategic
Integration of Surveying and Cadastral Services (1202)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Rizqi Abdulharis, Mr. Kurdinanto Sarah, Mr.
S. Hendriatiningsih and Mr. Andri Hernandi (Indonesia):
The Initial Model of Integration of the Customary Land Tenure System
into the Indonesian Land Tenure System: Study Case of West Java and
Banten, Indonesia (1360)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Guyla Iván, Mr. Gábor Szabó and Mr. Zoltán Weninger (Hungary):
Integrated Land Information Services in Hungarian Land
Administration (1347)
[paper] [slides]
Wednesday 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Kowloon II |
TS 7H – Forum on Project Management
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Andrew M. Morley, Chair of FIG Commission 10,
United KingdomDiscussion on FIG’s and Commission’s 10 Role on Project
Management. This is an Open Forum invited by President Stig
[slides][slides] |
Wednesday 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Lotus |
Commission Meetings: Commission 9 WG 9.1 - Compulsory Purchase
and Compensations in Land Acquisition and Takings and WG 9.3 –
Diagnostic Tools and Prescriptive Practices for the Valuation
Commission: 9
Chair: Prof Kauko Viitanen, Chair of WG 9.1, Finland and Mr.
Steven L. Nystrom, Chair of WG 9.3, USA |
Wednesday 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Jasmine |
Meeting of the FIG Corporate Members
Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President, Denmark
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 15:30-16:00
Orchid Foyer |
Coffee Break |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Fanling |
TS 8A – Experiences in Land Administration Projects
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Adriana Pulecka, Poland
Rapporteur: Dr. Conrad Tang, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaMs. Gertrude Pieper (the Netherlands):
Developing a Land Registration System Using a Compromise between the
Implementation of International Standards and Adaptation to Local
Circumstances: The Cambodian Experience (1271)
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Tai Po |
TS 8B – Urban Regeneration
Commission: 8
Chair: Dr. Ioana Manaolache, Romania
Mr. Ronald Chan, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaProf. Theo Kötter (Germany):
Economic Impacts of Urban and Infrastructure Development (1413)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Frank Friesecke (Germany):
The Role of Partnerships in Urban Regeneration – Exemplified by
Renewal Projects in Cologne (Germany) and Liverpool (United Kingdom)
[paper] [slides]
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Shek-O |
TS 8C – Terrestrial Laser Scanning II
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Mr. Andrew Hunter, Canada
Rapporteur: Ms. Perrine Rouffiac, FranceDr. Alan Kwong, Mr. Henry Kwok and Mr. Andrew Wong (China, P.
Use of 3D Laser Scanner for Rock Fractures Mapping (1284)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Zhizhong Kang, Dr. Sisi Zlatanova and Dr.
Ben Gorte (the Netherlands):
Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Scanning Data Based on
Registered Imagery (1317)
[paper] [slides]
Prof. Rudolf Staiger (Germany):
Selection Criteria for Terrestrial Laser Scanners (1475)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Derek Lichti (Australia), Mr. Stefan Brüstle (Germany) and
Mr. Jochen Franke (Australia):
Self Calibration and Analysis of the Surphaser Hemispherical 3D
Scanner (1325)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Kowloon I |
TS 8D – SDI toward Legalizing Informal Development
Commission: 3, 7 and 8
Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of FIG Commission 3, Greece
Rapporteur: Mr. Gerasimos Apostolatos, GreeceMr. Bayram Uzun and Ms. H. Ebru Colak (Turkey):
Providing Formal Property Rights to Slum Owners through Tenure
Legalization Process in Turkey (1407)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
Governance Issues in Slums (1469)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Harbour I |
TS 8E – The Future of Surveyors
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Arvo Vitikainen, Finland
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Mahoney, United Kingdom
Dr. A. H. W. (Bill) Kearsley (Australia):
Professionals and Professionalism in Surveying and Spatial
Information: Essential, Desirable or Superfluous? (1487)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Krystyna Czarnecka, Dr. Katarzyna
Sobolewska-Mikulska and Dr. Wojciech Wilkowski (Poland):
Education System for Property Valuers in Poland (1935)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Jaeik Liou (Republic of Korea):
A Tool for Measuring Sustainable Capacity Development with
Agent-Based Spatial Asset Mapping (1253)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Harbour II |
TS 8F – Economic Benefits of Hydrography
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. John McCarthy, AustraliaMrs. Angela Etuonovbe (Nigeria):
Economic Benefit of Hydrography: Land Reclamation in Bayelsa State:
A Case Study of Saipem Camp (1307)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. David Neale (Trinidad and Tobago):
The Case for Considering the Economic Benefits of Hydrography in the
English Speaking Caribbean (1739)
[paper] [slides]
Mrs. Angela Etuonovbe (Nigeria):
Coastal Settlements and Climate Change: The Effect of Climate Change
/ Sea Level Rise on the People of Awoye (1356)
[paper] [slides]
Dr. Kenneth Chebo Asangwe (Cameroon):
The Implications of Rising Sea Level on the Coastal Lowlands of
Cameroon (1335)
[paper] [slides] |
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Harbour III |
TS 8G – Innovative Technology and Solutions in Land
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Dr. Arbind Man Tuladhar, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Guyla Iván, Hungary
Dr. Yury Neuyvakin (Russian Federation):
Technological Aspects of Creating Infrastructure of Spatial Data of
Land Plots (1265)
[paper] [slides]
Mr. Fatih Döner and Mr. Cemal Bıyık (Turkey):
Defining 2D Parcels in 3D Space by Using Elevation Data (1353)
[paper] [slides]
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Kowloon II |
Map History Session
Commission: International Institution for Surveying and Measurement
Chair: Mr. Gordon Andreassend, Hong Kong SAR, China
Mr. John Brock (Australia):
Terra Australis Aperio - The Evolution of Australia on the Map (xxxx)
In recognition of the host country for the 2010 FIG Congress |
Wednesday 16 May 2007 16:00-17:00
Lotus |
Commission Meetings: Commission 9 WG 9.4 - Review of Valuation
Methods and Standards Worldwide and WG 9.5 – GIS as a Tool in Real
Estate Market Analysis and Valuation
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. David Smejkal, Chair of WG 9.4, Czech Republic and
Mr. Henning Elmstrom, Chair of WG 9.5, Denmark |
Thursday, 17 May 2007 |
Thursday, 17 May 2007 08:30-10:30
Rose |
President’s Meeting
- For presidents of member associations, by invitation only
Thursday, 17 May 2007 08:30-10:30
Tbc |
ACCO Meeting
Thursday, 17 May 2007 11:00-13:00
Orchid |
General Assembly II |
Thursday, 17 May 2007 14:30-16:00
Orchid |
Closing Ceremony
- Report on the Working Week 2007 by Mr. Hak Chan,
Chairman of FIGWW2007 Organising Committee
- Closing Remarks by Mr. Raymond Chan, HKIS President
- Closing Address and Summary of the Working Week by Prof.
Stig Enemark, FIG President
- Appreciation to FIGWW2007 Organising Committee by Prof.
Stig Enemark, FIG President
- FIG Fanfare
- Closing of the Working Week 2007
© International Federation
of Surveors, FIG, 2007 |