News from FIG Working Week
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Deadline 15 January

28 MAY - 1 JUNE 2023

Happy New Year! In 2023 the entire surveying and geospatial community will have the opportunity to meet, discuss, learn and get inspired on overall emerging challenges currently faced by our world and at the same time look ahead and discover what will be needed in the future for our profession, whilst preserving what works well today.

28 May - 1 June the FIG Working Week will take place in Orlando, Florida, United States. The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and our local host National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) look very much forward hosting the FIG Working Week - an exciting week-long conference that brings the international community of surveyors, valuers, quantity surveyors, geospatial experts and other groups withing the profession together, giving you a mix of:

   Keynote sessions elaborating on the theme Protecting our World, Conquering New Frontiers. Focus will be on the importance of looking ahead and discover what will be needed in the future for our profession and at the same time make sure to preserve what works well today.

  A variety of technical sessions, workshops and forums, giving a platform to discuss experiences, innovations, best practices, research and much more to support the shaping of the future.

  Access to an inspiring exhibition featuring the latest products and services.

  Unlimited networking opportunities with peers from around the world giving an unrivaled opportunity to discover how others are doing things, meet people who share your passion and share your own knowledge and experiences.

  Several technical tours aimed at highlighting the role of the profession in USA.

  Did we mention the precious non-distracted time. Being at the Working Week gives you the privilege of being You; time for immersion – precious time for reflection. To sum up the FIG Working Week offers you a unique opportunity to explore, expand your knowledge, and network with fellow peers across industries, countries and positions.

Do you want to take an active role in the technical programme at the FIG Working Week? Do you have an inspiring story to tell and interesting findings to showcase? Please check the Call for Papers and submit your abstract.

Please note, the deadline for submitting an abstract is 15 January 2023.

Please help us out by spreading the word to industry practitioners, innovators, scientists, researchers, academics and students who could be interested in the forthcoming FIG Working Week.

Spread the word #FIG2023 #FIGWorkingWeek #ProtectingourWorld #ConqueringNewFrontiers #FIGSurveyor

More information on the FIG Working Week web site:


Submit and abstract and take active part in the FIG Working Week!

Authors of selected abstracts will invited to speak at the FIG Working Week.

First Time Submitting? Don’t Feel Intimidated. FIG Working Week is an excellent way to get to know the community and share your ideas and the work that you are doing. You do not need to be a chief surveyors or long-time industry pundit to submit a proposal, in fact, we strongly encourage first-time speakers to submit an abstract.


See you in May 2023 in Orlando, USA

Kind regards,
Ms. Claudia Stormoen

International Federation of Surveyors
Fédération Internationale des Géomčtres
Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure
International Federation of Surveyors
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
DK-1780 Copenhagen V
Tel. + 45 3886 1081

FIG Working Week 2023, br /> 28 May – 1 June 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA
Web site: 

FIG Working Week 2024, Accra, Ghana
FIG Working Week 2025, Brisbane, Australia
FIG Congress 2026, Cape Town, South Africa
FIG Working Week 2028, Paris, France - Celebrating FIG 150th Anniversary

FIG on Social Media:


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