Regional Consultation Meeting on the “FAO Voluntary Guidelines for responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources”

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7th FIG Regional Conference includes a two-day Regional Consultation Meeting on the “FAO Voluntary Guidelines for responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources” to be jointly organized with FAO Land Tenure and Management Unit (NRLA). Read about the purpose of the Consultation Meeting and see the programme of the consultation meeting. See the  technical programme as part of the regional conference.


Land and other natural resources provide the platform for food and shelter, economic production and a basis for social, cultural and religious practices. Rights of access are increasingly affected by climate change, violent conflicts and natural disasters, population growth and urbanization, and growing demands for land for agriculture and for new energy sources such as bio-energy. Responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources can help to reduce hunger and poverty and to support social and economic development. Weak governance hinders economic growth and sustainable use of the environment, condemns people to a life of hunger and poverty, and may result to loss of lives through violent conflicts. There is a growing and widespread interest for a response in a form of an international instrument that can be adopted and implemented by countries.

In response, FAO has embarked to develop voluntary guidelines for responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources prepared jointly by governments, civil society, private sector and international organizations and approved by FAO’s member nations. The Voluntary Guidelines will provide practical guidance on responsible governance of tenure as a means of responding to the global challenges of our time. They will be consistent with the wide range of international instruments adopting a rights based approach and being a further elaboration on the Voluntary guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security. The Voluntary Guidelines will build on FAO’s long work in improving secure access to land and other natural resources, including convening the 2006 International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ICARRD).

The Voluntary Guidelines are intended to provide practical guidance to States, civil society and the private sector on responsible governance of tenure as a means of alleviating hunger and poverty, enhancing the environment, supporting national and local economic development, and reforming public administration. The principles and strategic actions identified in the Voluntary Guidelines will provide practical guidance to States, civil society and the private sector on improving governance of tenure. Upon the adoption of the Voluntary Guidelines FAO and partners will support their implementation through national action plans and through the Organization’s extensive partnership networks and related project activities. The Voluntary Guidelines will be drawn upon in a multi-stakeholder discussion including the following consultations: regional consultation meetings, civil society workshops, Expert Group Meetings and electronic discussion. Thereafter the draft Voluntary Guidelines will be passed on to FAO’s governing bodies for member country review and adoption.

The regional consultation meeting for the Asian regional will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam as part of the 7th FIG Regional Conference. The regional consultation meeting will be FAO led multi-party initiative aimed at bringing together groups that are regionally representative (public sector, private sector, civil society, indigenous groups ...) and multidisciplinary (academics, professionals, policy makers familiar with the tenure of land, forestry, fisheries, water ...). The meetings will asses regional priorities for the Voluntary Guidelines on governance of tenure. They will provide important feedback on the content of the Voluntary Guidelines and their eventual implementation.

Preliminary programme for the FAO Regional Consultation Meeting

October 19
October 20
October 21
October 22
08:00–09:00 Registration Registration Registration 07:00
Technical tour (optional)
09:00–10:30 Opening Ceremony Scene setting workshop: Voluntary Guidelines on responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources Breakout workshop 2: Actions to be Recommended in the Regional Assessment Full-day technical tour to Ha Long Bay (optional)
10:30-11.00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break  
11:00–12:30  PS 1 - Land Governance and Land Administration Breakout session 1: Issues of governance of tenure of South East Asia to be listed in the Regional Assessment; Breakout Session (5 groups) Breakout session 2: Actions to be Recommended in the Regional Assessment  
12:30-14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch  
14:00–15:30 TS - Land and Natural Resources Governance Breakout workshop 1: the Issues of Governance of Tenure of South East Asia to be listed in the Regional Assessment Closing workshop: Draft Regional Assessment on FAO Voluntary Guidelines for responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources  
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break  
16:00–17:30   Out of Conference Plenary Closing ceremony  
19.00– Welcome reception
Vietnamese Evening
Farewell Dinner
Arrival from tour 20:00