FIG Corporate Members

Derinsu Underwater Engineering Ltd.

Derinsu is a highly specialized Underwater Engineering and Offshore Services company that provides services in Marine Survey, Marine Engineering, Marine Construction, Offshore Energy, Marine Environment and Subsea Defense and Security sectors.

Derinsu’s geotechnical, Oceanographic and Environmental Surveys and Professional Diving Services for underwater inspection, monitoring, construction support as well as providing engineering and design solutions for all marine and coastal structures.

Derinsu makes every effort to provide world quality service to its customers while strictly obeying health, safety and environmental rules. One of the main objectives is to provide engineering services requiring high technology and special expertise as a leader in Türkiye.

Derinsu’s Quality Policy

Derinsu strives to be a leading company in the international arena of Advanced Underwater Engineering, Offshore and Near Shore Hydrography, Oceanography, Geophysical, Geotechnical Surveying, and Underwater Inspections while utilizing up to date technology Scientific Research Vessels and high skilled engineers. DERINSU implements and continiously improves an effective Quality Management System to comply with client requirements and company commitments to maintain highly satisfied customers, employees and all interested parties.


Contact information:

Derinsu Underwater Engineering Ltd.
Nilgün Sok. 5/1 Kavaklidere
Ankara 06680
Tel. +90 312 467 3670
Fax +90 312 467 3671
E-mail derinsu[at]
Member Category: Basic level
Member no: CM-30038