Exhibition |
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Helpful ladies at the registration area who managed to solve the
problems during the first hectic day. |
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Fifteen booths and exhibitors participated the technical exhibition: |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/exhibit_4_250.jpg) |
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Plenary sessions |
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There were three plenary sessions: one on land administration and good
governance and the second one (here) on capacity building in Africa. |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/plenary_2_250.jpg)
President Holger Magel chaired the plenary on capacity building
with ...
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Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG,... |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/plenary_4_dowman_250.jpg)
... Prof. Ian Dowman, ISPRS and ... |
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... Vice Admiral Hugo Gorziglia, IHB as speakers.
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/plenary_7_augustinus_250.jpg)
In the third plenary session on New Cadastral Domains speakers included
Dr. Clarissa Augustinus, UN-Habitat,... |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/plenary_8_lemmen_250.jpg)
... Christiaan Lemmen, FIG Commission 7 (in the picture) and Iain
Greenway, FIG Standards Network as speakers. |
Technical Sessions |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/tech_1_250.jpg)
Almost 150 papers were presented in 25 technical session and several
workshops. |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/tech_2_250.jpg)
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The workshop of AFREF sponsored by UN ECA was a great interest and
created lot of discussion. |
Welcome Reception |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/reception_1_250.jpg) |
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President Magel in discussion with African delegates: |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/reception_4_250.jpg)
FIG Vice President Andreas Drees and a Ghanaian student: |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/reception_5_250.jpg)
Simon Adcock, Commission 8, Vice President Ken Allred,
Clarissa Augustinus, UN-Habitat and Marge Allred. |
Ghanaian Evening |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/ghana_1_250.jpg)
Ghanaian Evening was organised in the garden of La-Palm hotel including
Ghanaian music, dance and food. |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/ghana_2_250.jpg)
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Welcome by Dr. Prah... |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/ghana_6_250.jpg)
... and President Magel... |
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Dances introduced by Yvonne Sowah from GhIS. |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/ghana_5_250.jpg)
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Closing Ceremony |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/closing_1_250.jpg)
Speakers of the closing ceremony - Hon. Theresa Amarley Tagoe,
Dep. Minister of Lands, Forestry & Mines in the middle. |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/closing_2_250.jpg)
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Ms. Yvonne Sowah.
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/closing_4_250.jpg)
President Magel making the conclusions of the conference. |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/closing_5_250.jpg)
Congress Director Thomas Gollwitzer inviting participants to FIG
2006 in Munich.
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Dr. Prah making the Presidential Address to the AGM of the GhIS and the
closing address of the FIG Conference at the same time. |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/closing_7_250.jpg)
Thanks to the organising committee...
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/closing_8_250.jpg)
... and all volunteers of GhIS and the organising committee. |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/closing_9_250.jpg)
... and to President Prah...
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/closing_10_250.jpg)
... and to Stephen Djaba, the Congress Coordinator without the
conference could have not happen. |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/closing_11_250.jpg)
FIG fanfare closed the conference until next time in ... |
Gala Dinner and Awards Night |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/gala_1_250.jpg)
Welcome to the Gala Dinner of the FIG conference and the annual Awards
Dinner of GhIS |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/gala_2_250.jpg)
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President and Mrs. Ansi Magel after a successful conference. |
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Guests at the top table.
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Keynote address |
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President's thanks |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/gala_7_250.jpg)
... and the lucky winner to win the prize for FIG 2006 in Munich is ... |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/gala_8_250.jpg)
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/gala_9_250.jpg)
Part of the Awards Dinner of GhIS is the handover of the Presidency.
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/gala_10_250.jpg)
President Magel getting his gift from Yvonne Sowah and Dorothy Adotei
Nyanu from the organising committee... |
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/gala_11_250.jpg)
... also Mrs Magel was awarded...
![Click picture for bigger format.](pics_2/gala_12_250.jpg)
... as well as Dr. Prah and Stephen Djaba by Prof Yu, Past
President of ISM. |
Technical Tour |
Technical tour started with a visit to Kakum Natural Park where
participants were able to make a canopy walk in a rainforest. |
![](tech_tour/kakum_2_250.jpg) |
![](tech_tour/kakum_4_250.jpg) |
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![](tech_tour/kakum_6_250.jpg) |
Next stop was a lunch at the Coconut Grove Hotel in Cape Coast with
local culture and food. |
![](tech_tour/coconut_grove_2_250.jpg) |
![](tech_tour/coconut_grove_3_250.jpg) |
![](tech_tour/coconut_grove_4_250.jpg) |
Perhaps the most impressive was the visit to the Cape Coast Castle. |
![](tech_tour/cape_coast_2_250.jpg) |
![](tech_tour/cape_coast_3_250.jpg) |
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![](tech_tour/cape_coast_8_250.jpg) |