FIG Task Force on Under-Represented Groups in Surveying

The major question may be: Why do we need a task force called "Under-represented
Groups in Surveying"? There are two reasons for minorities in a
professional field. On one hand it is possible that the surveying profession is
not interesting for certain groups of the society; on the other, it is possible
that certain groups do not have the same opportunities to choose a particular
profession. The result of both is that talents of a large pool of individuals
are not used. The differences in the surveying profession have direct
consequences to the individual members of FIG.
At the FIG PC Meeting in Buenos Aires in 1996 it was therefore stated that a
task force should be established to concentrate on the topic "Women in
Surveying". Now the task force is renamed due to a wider definition of
During the FIG Congress in Brighton in July 1998 the task force had three
meetings, two open meetings and one meeting of the core group. The delegates
gave very important and interesting reports about the situation and activities
in the represented countries concerning under-represented groups.
The report of the results of the questionnaire sent out to FIG member
associations and universities was also very helpful when discussing further
An Interim Report of these activities was given to the FIG General Assembly.
The activities during the FIG Working Week in Sun City in May/June 1999 were
concentrated to an own session and an open task force meeting. The session
included a presentation from Jenny Whittall:
The Surveying Industry in South Africa and a presentation from Gabriele
Gender Aspects in Programmes of the European Union. The following
discussion gave a deep insight about the topical situation in education and
studies in South Africa. The open task force meeting concerned the "Draft
Discussion Document on the future Governance and Management of FIG" and
especially the issue of the "Need for Involvement of the New Generation of
Contributors to FIG". An
Interim Report of this meeting was given to General Assembly of FIG.
During the FIG Working Week May 2000 in Prague the Task Force on
Under-represented Groups in Surveying intensified the contact to UN Habitat. Dr.
Sylvie Lacroux from UNCHS(Habitat) gave two very interesting and informative
presentations. Within both well attended task force meetings one of the main
topics was the ongoing discussion concerning the "Need for Involvement of the
New Generation of Contributors to FIG". The task force focused on aspects of
Commissions work. An Interim Report of this
meeting was given to General Assembly of FIG.
The task force Workshop held
during the FIG Working Week in Seoul, Korea dealt with the plans for the FIG
Congress 2002 in Washington, USA and the future of the task force. The limited
time period of the task force will end in 2002 with the FIG Congress. In the
session of Commission 2, "Curricula II - How to Manage and Keep the Curricula
Contents Up-to-date?", the Task Force Chair presented a paper
"Which Changes in the Curricula do we need to attract more Women to study
Surveying?". An Interim Report
of all activities was given to the FIG General Assembly.