FIG Peer Review Journal


State of the art of photogrammetric 3D reconstruction techniques: Discussion of scaling of indirect multipurpose cadastral methods. (12993)

Yosef Harvey Cortes Millan, Aldemar Serrato Lopez, Alexander Paez Lancheros and Johan Andres Avendaño Arias (Colombia)
Mr. Yosef Harvey Cortes Millan
Instituto Geografico Agustín Codazzi
Corresponding author Mr. Yosef Harvey Cortes Millan (email: yhcortesm[at], tel.: +573125549960)

[ abstract ] [ paper ] [ handouts ]

Published on the web 2025-03-16
Received 2024-12-02 / Accepted n/a
This paper is one of selection of papers published for the FIG Working Week 2025 in Brisbane, Australia PEER REVIEW in Brisbane, Australia and has undergone the FIG Peer Review Process.

FIG Working Week 2025 in Brisbane, Australia PEER REVIEW
ISBN n/a ISSN 2307-4086
URL n/a


In the context of conventional cartographic production, oriented to multipurpose cadastres and regulated by current Colombian regulations, orthoimages, digital terrain models and cartographic databases are used, processes that are extensive from capture to analysis, and are the main input for the production of spatial information from which cadastral processes will be executed; in this sense, the need arises to improve the efficiency and accuracy of methods such as the detection of changes in constructions and the updating of the cadastral base that are immersed therein. This text presents the state of the art on the use of photogrammetric techniques, both conventional and state-of-the-art (Structure From Motion and close-range photogrammetry), applied with low-cost devices. The reader will find a bibliometric review and the development of a technical discussion based on different authors and methods, under the hypothesis that these techniques allow the generation of three-dimensional models and dense point clouds, facilitating the cadastral survey of physical features in areas where no previous data is available.
Keywords: Photogrammetry; Real estate development; Young surveyor; 3D cadastre; Photogrammetry; Point clouds; 3D reconstruction; Remote sensing
