Welcome to the Working (from home) WeekProf. Dr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG PresidentDear Reader,Today is the 10th of May and under normal circumstances, we the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) would have our first General Assembly in the framework of the FIG Working Week 2020 scheduled from the 10th to 14th of May in the RAI-convention centre in Amsterdam (Netherlands). However, as you all know, due to the global outbreak of COVID-19 and the related legal restrictions, it was impossible to organize this event in a normal way. As a kind of compensation, FIG is very happy to offer at least an alternative format that is a kind of Virtual Working Week – VWW 2020, or the "Working from home Week". Last week, we announced the FIG Working (from home) Week with a sneak preview on what to expect during this week.
Short history of the cancellationUntil the beginning of March 2020, LOC and FIG-Council were quite optimistic regarding the organization of the Working Week in May. Once the global lockdown started, it became more and more obvious that a normal organisation will not be possible. Some of our registered participants, who had already paid the registration fees, contacted the FIG Office and asked impatiently for a cancellation. At Mid-March it was in principle clear that the Working Week will not take place. However, LOC decided together with FIG Office that it would be much better to “wait” for an official ban for bigger gatherings from the Dutch authorities. This finally happened on March 23 and we could cancel the Working Week with a much smaller damage to our financial obligations. The Working (from home) Week 2020 at a glanceThe Conference Directors Paula Dijkstra (Dutch Kadaster) and Louise Friis-Hansen (FIG Director) are happy and proud to announce the first Working - from home - Week in the history of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG). You are all invited to participate in an active manner. Over the next 4 days FIG will publish every day specific articles and highlights in relation to the Working Week Saturday the 9th of MayYesterday we had already the 5th Young Surveyors Conference – Social Distancing Edition. And at least our Youngsters are really global. They organized on one day four Regional Conferences, the first for Asia Pacific at 9:00 UTC+8, the second for Europe and Africa at 9:00 UTC+1, the third for Latin America in Spanish language at 9:00 UTC-3 and the forth for North America at 9:00 UTC-6. What a brilliant format! What to look forward toThe technical programme for a Working Week is filled with exciting topics of present and future interest. At the first glance the technical programme can seem overwhelming. 10 sessions are taking place in parallel, and as it is physically impossible to be in two places at the same time, so many struggle with the choices; what sessions should I attend, what topics are of most use to me, what would I want to learn and be inspired from. This year we will be helping you to make these choices. And you are not restricted by timing. So, during the following 4 days please follow the daily newsletters
It is difficult to include all the many activities during the Working Week. Apart from the above-mentioned articles that you can look forward to during this coming week, I would also like to highlight a few special sessions that might interest you:
FIG General Assembly
The yearly General Assembly is where FIG members meet, and the place where the direction of the federation is outlined. New association members are adopted by the General Assembly, appointments and votings are taking place as well as updates from council and chairs. When it became clear that we had to cancel the Working Week, FIG Council discussed various options for the General Assembly. Would it be an idea to have an online General Assembly, could the General Assembly be held via email, or would there be a third option? Finally, Council agreed to postpone all agenda items until next year. This decision was however not done easily. My council and I had looked forward to this particular General Assembly. Based on feedback from previous years and from the current Task Force on Governance, we had prepared for a different General Assembly. A more inclusive General Assembly. A General Assembly that instead of being dominated by reports and one-way communication would use the time on ideas, debates, and involvement, and with the expectation that all had read the reports in advance. The agenda including all reports were published in March. Although the General Assembly agenda items are postponed to next year, we still encourage you to read through the agenda and especially the reports from this year. Please note that if you have any comments to the agenda items or to the reports you are always welcome to drop an email to Louise (lfh@fig.net).
I had also looked forward to the Presidents meeting. Last year we changed the format of this meeting. It was moved from the second General Assembly day to a session during the conference days, and one overall question was used as main discussion point at the meeting. This year I had looked forward to discussing with all members “how can the General Assembly be made more interesting and attractive?”. It is a strange and empty feeling that the General
Assembly does not take place today. I and my council
will do our utmost to serve the federation during
this next year until we will hopefully meet in the
Netherlands in 2021. I hope that, today, spread all around the world, you
will toast with us for the opening of this
alternative Working from home Week.
Read the report 2020 by FIG President Rudolf Staiger about the activities in FIG during 2019 and 2020
Rudolf Staiger, FIG President