Courtesy call on the General Director of the Mongolian
Administration of Land Affairs, Construction, Geodesy and Cartography, Mr
GANKHUU Tsevelsodnom
20 July 2011, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
President CheeHai TEO was in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia to attend the
17th Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific. The
day before the meeting, President Teo called on Mr. Gankhuu at his
office and congratulated him on his appointment as the General Director
earlier this year. Also present at the meeting was Mr Bayarsaikhan B.,
the Deputy Director.
The Administration is an Affiliate Member of FIG and the Mongolian
Government implementing agency responsible for determining and implementing
state policies of the Ministry of Road, Transportation, Construction and
Urban Development. Its function includes providing professional advice,
support and information for effective decision-making process in five main
sectors, i.e. land affairs, geodesy and cartography, construction, urban
planning and public utility.
CheeHai Teo with Mr. Gankhuu (centre) and
Mr. Bayarsaikhan (right) |
During the visit, apart from acquainting himself with the primary roles
and responsibilities of the Administration, Mr. Gankhuu and President Teo
also discussed on the upcoming FIG Commission 5 and 6 Workshop on
“Innovative Technologies for an efficient Geospatial Management of Earth” on
4– 8 September 2011 in Ulaanbaatar which the Administration is supporting.
Mr Gankhuu expressed a desire for FIG’s support for a seminar to be
organised by the Administration later in the year that will focus on
cadastre, land administration and management as Mongolia reviews and
considers various related state policies, legislations and rules. They also
discussed possibilities for the Administration and the local Member
Association of FIG in hosting other FIG commission related events such as
that of Commission 3, 7 and 9 in the coming years. President Teo encouraged
Mr. Gankhuu and his staff to actively participate as well as to contribute
towards various FIG activities and initiatives.
 Government House, Sukhbaatar Square, Ulaanbaatar |
CheeHai TEO President Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 21 July 2011
10 August 2011