FIG Capacity Development Network

The Regional Capacity Development Network originates from the Africa
Task Force 2009-2014 that delivered a clear direction for African
member Associations to actively increase their presence in FIG. This
resulted in the first Regional Network in Africa (ARN). The idea was to
have a global network operationalised on a Regional basis. Initially, the CDN was expanded to
include the Asia-Pacific region (AP-CDN).

The appointed Chair of the Network, Dan Roman
US, presents the proposal for a new Regional Capacity Building
Network in the Americas region for the General Assembly in
Orlando, Florida, 1 June 2023. |
The opportunity to take the first steps to new network came up due to
the fact that the FIG
Working Week 2023 would be held in Orlando, Florida, USA. The location was carefully selected to
make it possible for professionals from Central and South America as
well as the Caribbean region to attend.
During the FIG Working Week 2023 a two-day workshop was held to
explore their needs for the Small Island Deveoping States (SIDS) with a
special focus on the Carribean and Pacific states. South and
Central America likewise needs capacity development and sessions both in English and Spanish
were held with good attendance.
The workshop and the sessions determined a real need and
recommendation for an Americas CDN to develop capacity in the Caribbean
as well as South and Central America.
FIG Council decision
These sessions and meetings led to a proposal presented at the second
General Assembly and raised by representatives from the meeting to FIG
Council to establish a FIG Regional Network in the Americas Region
spanning from North, Central, Carribean and South America. There was
support to the proposal by the members.
FIG Council thanked for this proposal and for the amount of work put
into it. It has been driven by the President, Diane Dumashie,
together with Vice President Kwame Tenadu with two
active representatives from the region, Dan Roman, US
and Rosario Casanova, Uruguay.
At their following meeting FIG Council agreed to this constructive
initiative, and the proposal was adopted to establish a new FIG Regional Network
Americas that accommodates each of the three distinct areas in the
Dan Roman, USA, was appointed Chair of the Network with
Casanova as Vice Chair.
Currently the Terms of Reference are being finalised.

Participants at the SIDS workshop during the FIG Working Week 2023 in
Orlando, Florida
Mandate and vision
The overarching mandate of the Americas region will be “to develop
workshops to build the capacity of land professionals to enable them to
effectively embrace current global trends in their respective region”
and together with relevant partners.
Their vision is: By 2030 Americas land professionals will
provide global thought leadership and promote professional leadership
qualities amongst its members and within their Associations as active
Members of the FIG.
The Americas CDN spans all of the Americas and will need foci in
subregions that conform to the broader linguistic and cultural
groupings. This will facilitate interaction inside each subregion to
maximum potential. However, coordination must exist between the
subregions as a part of the broader regional CDN activity. Many issues
in each subregion will require coordination across the boundaries.
Fortunately, regional activities and meetings are already in place that
facilitate communication between the subregions.
Each subregion will continue establishing the network, build members
and their associations capacity to engage and interface at all
institutional political levels including the Americas regional oversight
level to grassroots community involvement. The recommendations resolved
that land professionals in the Americas apply their collective knowledge
and build their capacity to achieve the UN SDG’s by 2030.
Many of the same concerns that exist in the Africa and Asia-Pacific
CDN’s likewise exist in the Americas. Land tenure and ownership are
uncertain or ambiguous in many parts of South and Central America.
Optimisation of available land area for commercial development is
necessitated in many port areas and especially in the Caribbean SIDS.
Successfully leveraging the efforts by the respective national
governments in the Americas into broader private sector ventures will be
a key to professional success for all Member associations. Governments
are cooperating to build a common infrastructure, but it must be
parlayed into the private sector in order to achieve the goals given by
the UN SDG’s.
Focus areas
The Americas CDN will focus within each of the subregions around
common themes.
- Establishing contact with existing subregional and regional
- Determine their missions, mandates and membership
- Determine any gaps or missed opportunities to engage more
- Determine needs for capacity and capability development
- Determine potential resources to meet these needs
- Coordinate with any academic and professional organizations
to ensure connections to the governmental and intergovernmental
- Find and engage with national
professional societies
- Recent surveys indicate that such
groups exist in countries not active in FIG
- The key is to find and engage
these associations to maximize their capability
- Additionally, to provide them the
potential benefits of membership within FIG
- Develop subregional and regional
workshops, training, and seminars
- Connect national
professional societies with their respective governments
- Governments are developing
national SDI to integrate regionally
- FIG can facilitate knowledge
and skill transfer to professional societies to enhance the GKI and
engage the private sector economic engine
- FIG contacts at the global and
regional level quill facilitate meeting needs at all levels
Work within FIG to ensure
action and activity throughout the Americas
- Work within each Commission to
ensure engagement throughout the region
- Ensure engagement and
involvement of national professional societies and government
institutions to maximum benefit
- Coordinate and facilitate any
needed resources from global level to the regional
- Leverage the Young Surveyors
Network (YSN) to establish new or invigorate existing professional
societies in the region
Participants at the Spanish Speaking Sessions and meeting during
the FIG Working Week 2023 in Orlando, Florida