

Invitation Programme Sponsors Registration Venue Accommodation Contact


Dear friends and colleagues,

… the FIG Young Surveyors European Network continue with surprises, this time we are revisiting Portugal, but in its 2nd capital, Porto.

The 6th Young Surveyors European Meeting (6YSEM) is a two-days event that provides an environment for Young Surveyors from different cultures, countries, academic qualifications, and professional experience to discuss the issues facing their region, and plan for a resilient future. 6YSEM will be held alongside Geodecision for Sustainable Communities Meeting.

“Over the years Geospatial Information has increased its importance and organizations are adding location services to support citizens, business and policy makers. Location is a fundamental attribute and decisions based on geospatial information – Geodecisions – are becoming the core of new opportunities and improved strategies.” oin us to connect and learn the importance of geospatial information and how it can be used to create harmony among the spatial, social, economic and environmental aspects of a city and inhabitants.

FIG Foundation Grant

The FIG Foundation Grant is available, thanks to the full support from the Fédération Internationale des Géomètres and the FIG Foundation. A total of 4 grants will be available for deserving Young Surveyors, students and professionals, not just in Europe, but also from around the world:

We are looking forward to welcome you in Porto with the European Young Surveyors together for tomorrow’s challenges!

The meeting is organised in cooperation with Ordem dos Engenheiros - Portugal

A preliminary program and registration form will soon be available here.

Organising Team 6YSEM




The 6th Young Surveyors European Meeting (6YSEM) is a two-days event that provides an environment for Young Surveyors from different cultures, countries, academic qualifications, and professional experience to discuss the issues facing their region, and plan for a resilient future. 6YSEM is held alongside the Geodecision for Sustainable Communities Meeting.

Join us to connect and learn the importance of geospatial information and how it can be used to create harmony among the spatial, social, economical and environmental aspects of a city and inhabitants.

Programme in pdf


11 ­ 12 October 2019

Day 1
Friday 11th October 2019
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:50 Welcoming Addreses

The welcoming addresses of the 6th European Young Surveyors Meeting will provide the opportunity for young surveyors to hear from distinguished guests from Geodecision, FIG, FIG Foundation, and the FIG Young Surveyors Network. These welcoming and associated presentations will set the agenda for the one day meeting and focus on the theme: Mapping the Path to Sustainability.

  • Rudolf Staiger: FIG President
  • Mairolt Kakko: CLGE Vice-President
  • João Agria Torres: Ordem dos Engenheiros - Colégio de Engenharia Geográfica President
  • Kwabena Obeng Asiama: FIG YSN Vice-Chair
10:00-10:30 Session 1: Part 1 Geodecision at #6YSEM
  • Rudolf Staiger: FIG President
  • Nigel Sellars: RICS Associate Director
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break + Network Activity
11:00-12:30 Session 1: Part 2 Geodecision @ #6YSEM
  • Ozan Koseoglu: Digital Living Services CEO
  • Carlos Antunes: University of Lisbon Professor
12:30-13:30 Lunch @ “Sei lá” Restaurant
13:30-14:30 Session 2: Developing Surveyors within Society

The key to maintaining sustainability within the geospatial industry lies in the engagement and making opportunities for the next generation. In this session we will hear from young surveyors from around the world on subjects ranging from grassroots engagement, to mentoring, and much more. Several presenters will speak about their professional paths, inspiring and giving the best tips on how a young professional can grow their career.

  • Martine Eelderinke & Simone Emens :: FIG :: FIG Working Week 2020
  • Kwabena Obeng Asiama :: FIG YSN :: YS Workplan 2019-2020
  • Ferah Pirlanta Koksal: CLGE FIG Young Surveyors European Representative
  • Gozde Kavas: FIG Foundation Grant Winner :: Construction of 1915 Çanakkale Bridge The 1915 Çanakkale Bridge when constructed will be the world’s longest suspension bridge, spanning 2023 meters and will make the seventh connection between Asia and Europe; Godze will give an overview of the project.
  • Ilesanmi Adewale: FIG Foundation Grant Winner: Practical ways of promoting women’s participation in the field of surveying
    Technological advancement has made surveying processes to become more simplified, thus, changing the landscape of the industry. Despite this development, researches have revealed that women around the world have less presence in spatial sciences which has resulted in a low level of participation in policy implementation and decision-making as an essential part of sustainable development strategies within the global surveying community. Ilesanmi will explore some research in this area, and discuss some practical solutions.
14:45-15:15 Afternoon Tea
15:15-16:50 Session 3: HERE XYZ and Developer Portal Workshop
  • Richard Sueselbeck: Principal Developer Evangelist @ Here Technologies Berlin
    On the first part participants will be introduced to HERE XYZ, a cloud-based, real-time location data management service that enables developers and map makers to create web maps and manage location data.
    On the second part the focus will be HERE Developer Portal with our APIs and SDKs for maps, location-aware web and mobile apps. Also it will be touched the HERE Freemium, a plan where you'll have everything you need to build location-aware applications. Our expansive range of APIs and SDKs are intuitive and reliable, with high transaction thresholds.
16:50 Cultural Activity: Cálem Port Wine Cellars - Wine Tasting and Fado Show
20:00 Dinner
Saturday 12th October 2019
9:00-9:15 Charity Walking Tour Sneak Peek
  • Inês Vilas Boas: Activity Introduction
  • Vera Santos: Forestis: Organization presentation and charity activity purpose
9:15-10:40 Session 4: Evolutions in geospatial Technology

We are a profession in the midst of constant technological evolution, and it is essential for the geospatial industry to keep abreast the opportunities that this evolving environment provides. A selection of companies and individuals will share why they are embracing new technologies and ideas, and how they are utilising them to work towards a more sustainable futu

  • Matteo Tagliani: Studio Tecnico MT :: Speleology and Laser Scanning
    The Speleologist, when exploring caves, has first impulse to understand their size, measure and geo-localize it. This paper presents case studies conducted by “Studio Tecnico MT” and “Persephone Exploring Association” in the Republic of Macedonia territory, where, through the integration of “Lidar techniques”, ”Digital Photogrammetric” and “Panoramic Virtual Tour”, caves were surveyed, analyzed
    and reported.
  • Anca Pavaloiu: FIG Foundation Grant Winner :: Digital Orthophoto/Aerial Images from U.A.V UAV methodologies are explored for topographical and cadastral surveys, and several real-world examples provided.
  • Merve Keskin: FIG Foundation Grant Winner: Eye-tracking technology in Cartography This paper focuses on the design of a cartographic user experiment that employs both eye tracking (ET) and electroencephalogram (EEG) to explore the cognitive strategies of expert and novice map users.
  • Merve Keskin: Interactive Activity - Eye-Tracking Workshop using EyeTribe
10:40-11:00 Coffee break
11.00-12:30 Session 5: Surveying our Changing Environment

Our global environment is changing at an ever increasing rate, and measuring this change is the mandate of our profession. Prepare to be inspired as we gain insight into several impressive projects our presenters have been working on.

  • Lia Duarte: University of Porto: QGIS Applications for Modelling Environmental Risk Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide the tools required to correctly identify, quantify and evaluate the risk intensity and mapping functions to support the decisions commonly in ecological, environmental, geological and other areas. A set of GIS open source applications were developed under QGIS software incorporating environmental risk models, specifically the evaluation of groundwater vulnerability to pollution, mapping the soil erosion, the creation of dynamic temperature maps to monitor the temperature variations in a self-burning coal waste pile, and the estimation of vegetation phenology metrics.
  • Dora Roque: LNEC: SAR data to monitor a changing world - from floods to structures Climate change impacts our world in both direct and indirect ways. On one hand, natural disasters are occurring more often. On the other hand, extreme meteorological events apply larger loads on structures that were not designed for those scenarios. In this presentation, examples of how different types of data obtained from SAR images can be used to monitor disasters and the response of structures to those changes will be shown.
  • Inês Vilas Boas: FIG YSN: ArcGIS Online Follow-up
    The ArcGIS Online account for YSN was created last year after the successful first set of sessions done by YSN on Esri User Conference in San Diego, California. After almost one year of having this account, we will show how was the process to select users and how they have been using the account.
  • Mapillary technology showcase and workshop
12:30-13:30 Lunch @ “Sei lá” Restaurant
13:30-14:30 Session 6: Mapping for Sustainable Communities

Making geospatial technology available to everyone has the ability to empower. This session covers some exemplary initiatives in community mapping and land tenure in developing nations.

  • Cidália Fonte: University of Coimbra: The potential role of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) for mapping A wide variety of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is now available, such as photographs, georeferenced text and vector maps. Some of these data enables the extraction of valuable information that may be used for mapping. However, the use of VGI raises several problems. In this presentation the potential and limitations of using VGI for the creation and validation of Land Use /
    Land Cover Maps (LULCM) are explained.
  •  Anna Schnaidman: University of Delft: Modern Land Administration Systems
    The presentation will address the following topics: aspects of the modern land administration systems, various components and stakeholders that play a significant role in the way land related processes are being conducted; the importance of standardization, LADM and LADM revision and some features of fit-for-purpose and 3D Cadastre.
  • Divyani Kohli: University of Twente: Seeing the Slum from Above: Informality, Slums and Mapping The presentation will be about mapping informal areas and slums using remote sensing based methods. It will include examples of identification and characterization of informal areas that could also potentially support land administration.
14:30-15:00 Closing Session
15:00-15:15 Afternoon Tea
15:15-17:30 Charity Walking Tour with Mapillary

The Charity Walking Tour has the purpose of showing the city centre and the most interesting places in the beautiful city of Porto to all the participants, while acquiring data using Mapillary’s mobile app. FIG YSN will donate the profits of this activity to two non-profit organizations: FIG Foundation (international non-profit organization) and Forestis (national non-profit organization).



Thank you to the sponsors who are supporting thist 6th Young Surveyors European Meeting:

Gold sponsor

HERE Technologies
Silver Sponsors
Bronze sponsor




You can register for only the YSEM event or for a combined ticket to both YESM and Geodecision for Sustainable Communities Meeting (https://www.mygeodecision.com/).

How to register:
When you register you start with a pre-registration form. When you have registered you wil receive an email in which you will be asked to provide proof that you are either a student or a young professional. When you have been approved you will receive a link to finalise your registration. Payment is required at the final registration. You can pay either by bank transfer or with credit card.

Student: Bachelor or Master Student
Young Professional: Ph.D. students or young professionals under 35 or within 10 years of graduation.

Type of registration Fee until 15 September Fee from 16 September Register
Young professionals - only 6YSEM 70 70 pre-registration form
Student - only 6YSEM 40 40 pre-registration form
Young Professionals - 6YSEM + Geodecision 2019 Conference 285 310 pre-registration form
Student - 6YESM + Geodecision 2019 110 120 pre-registration form





ADDRESS: Rua Ofélia Diogo Costa, 115 - 6º, Bloco B
4149-022 Porto Portugal
PHONE: +351 22 001 14 00




Check accommodation possibilities here



If you have any questions please contact us at fig.youngsurveyors@gmail.com 

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