FIG Regional Conference
Sheraton Marrakech
Marrakech, Morocco
December 2-5, 2003
ISBN 87-90907-28-0 ISSN 2308-3433
Technical Programme
as .pdf-file |
Tuesday December 2, 2003 |
09:00-10:00 |
Plenary Session 1
Chair: Rachid Jamaii (Morocco)
Rapporteur: Andreas Drees, Vice President of FIGPS1.1
Don C. I. Okpala, UN-HABITAT (Kenya):
Promoting the Positive Rural-Urban
Linkages Approach to Sustainable Development and Employment
Creation: The Role of UN-HABITAT
PS1.2 David Palmer, FAO: Rural Aspects in the
Urban-Rural Interrelationship for Sustainable Environment – FAO
- Copies of PowerPoint presentation
PS1.3 Moulay Chérif Tahiri Alaoui, Directeur Central,
Royaume du Maroc, Premier Ministre, Ministere delequecharge de l.
habitat et de l’urbanisme, Secrétariat Général, Direction de la
Promotion Immobilière: La nouvelle politique du gouvernement en
matiere d’habitat social
- Copies of PowerPoint
10:30-12:00 |
Technical Session TS 1 – Urban-Rural Relationship in Land Management
Chair: Chukwudozie Ezigbalike, UN Economic Commission for
Rapporteur: Mohamed Ettarid, MoroccoIntroduction papers
TS1.1 Michael Barry (Canada):
Periurban Tenure Management
in South Africa
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS1.2 Solomon Abebe Haile (Ethiopia) and Reinfried Mansberger
(Austria): Land Policy, Urban-Rural Interaction and Land
Administration Differentiation in Ethiopia
- Copies of
PowerPoint presentation
TS1.3 Farouk Tebbal and Clarissa Augustinus,
Shelter Branch, UN-HABITAT:
The Millennium Development Goals and
Security of Tenure. This paper has not been presented in the
Case studies
TS1.4 Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
Urban-Rural Relationship in
Land Management and Access to Land – Kenyan Experiences
TS1.5 Mohamed M’Hassni, Mohamed Feljy and Hamid Khalali
Le Système Foncier au Maroc. Une sécurité et un
facteur de développement durable. En milieu urbain et rural
- Copies of PowerPoint
presentation TS1.6 Mehmet Gür, Volkan Cagdas and Hülya Demir
(Turkey): Urban-Rural Interrelationship and Issues in Turkey. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. |
10:30-12:00 |
Technical Session TS 2 – SDI-Policy
Chair: Robert W. Foster, USA
Rapporteur: Chryssy Potsiou, GreeceIntroduction papers
TS2.1 Robert Mahoney and Robin Waters (United
Kingdom): Sustainable Mapping Provision in Developing Countries –
Getting it together, the Geography Jigsaw
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS2.2 Vlado Cetl, Miodrag Roić and Darko Šiško
(Croatia): Towards a Spatial Data Infrastructure in Croatia
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS2.3 Peter Bartak (The Netherlands):
Enabling Spatial Data Infrastructures
for Sustainable Development (Mise en oeuvre d'infrastructures de
données spatiales pour le développement durable)
Case studies
TS2.4 Karima Salik and Nabila Licer (Morocco): ANCFCC: Offre en matière de
données cartographiques numériques
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS2.5 Efi Dimopoulou, Tassos Labropoulos, Vasso
Nikolaidou and Panagiotis Zentelis (Greece):
Analysis of NSDI Policies in Greece and Cyprus - Two Different
Systems within the EU
TS2.6 Peyman Baktash (Iran):
National and Regional Spatial
Data Infrastructure (NSDI & RSDI) and National Cartographic Center
of Iran’s Activities about it. This paper has not been
presented in the conference. TS2.7 Nab Raj Subedi (Nepal):
Challenges to the National
Mapping Organisation in the Context of Nepal Leading to the
Formation of National Geographic Information Infrastructure.
This paper has not been presented in the conference. |
10:30-12:00 |
Technical Session TS 3 – The Role of Remote Sensing in Managing the
Urban-Rural Interrelationship
Chair: Omari Mohamed Cherkaoui, Morocco
Rapporteur: Ralf Schroth, Vice President of FIG
Introduction papers
TS3.1 Youcef Smara, Khedidja Saib and Amina
Zouaoui (Algeria): Detection de changements de zones urbaines et
peri-urbaines de la region d’Alger (Algerie) a l’aide de l’imagerie
radar SAR
TS3.2 Aicha El Rhali (Morocco):
Extraction et
analyse du tissu urbain par approche statistique et structurale à
partir de l’imagerie satellitale à haute et trés haute résolution.
This paper has not been presented in the conference.
Case studies
TS3.3 Shaban Mansou, Eshaab Shbeli and Khiri
Elhemali (Libya): Impacts of the Random Building on Environment
in Ain Zara Area, Tripoli, Libya Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Technology. This paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS3.4 Abdullad Madar and Lahcen Lahraoui (Morocco):
Trace d’une ceinture
verte pour lutter contre l’ensablement a partir de l’anylyse d’une
image SPOT 5
TS3.5 Youcef Smara, Nadia Ouarab, Sihem Laama and Dalila
Chérifi (Algeria): Techniques de fusion et de classification floue d’images satellitaires multisources pour la caracterisation et
le suivi de l’extension du tissue urbain de la region d’Alger (Algerie)
TS3.6 Teoh Chin Chuang, Shattri Mansor, Abdul
Rashid Mohamed Shariff and Noordin Ahmad (Malaysia):
Optimum Band Selection for Image Visualization of Multispectral Data
in Relation to Natural Resources Management TS3.7 Bachir Ablat,
Mohamed Rouchdi, Anas Emran, Mohammed Hmam, Assou Mohammi and
Zakariae El Yacoubi
(Morocco): La cartographie thematique et le developpement
- Copies of PowerPoint
presentation |
14:00-15:30 |
Technical Session TS 4 – Management of Land
Chair: András Osskó, Hungary
Rapporteur: Reinfried Mansberger, AustriaIntroduction papers
TS4.1 Enikő Kovacs (Hungary):
Is Land Consolidation Just a
Dream in Hungary?
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS4.2 Ioan Stangu, Maria Contoman, Mugurel Enache, Alexandrina
Zaharia and Mariana Ravdan (Romania):
Cadastre and
Environment Protection. This paper has not been presented in the
TS4.3 Mehmet Gür, Volkan Cagdas and Zerrin
Demirel (Turkey): Land Consolidation as a Tool of Rural
Sustainable Development. This paper has not been presented in
the conference.
TS4.4 Francis Chitsike (Zimbabwe):
A Critical Analysis of
the Land Reform Programme in Zimbabwe. This paper has not been
presented in the conference.
Case studies TS4.5 Mohamed Ghanam
(Morocco): La desertification au Maroc - Quelle stratégie
de lutte? |
14:00-15:30 |
Technical Session TS 5 – e-Government Aspects of Land
Chair: Robert Mahoney, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Christiaan Lemmen, the NetherlandsIntroduction papers
TS5.1 Peter Stolk and Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands):
Technical Aspects
of Electronics Conveyancing
TS5.2 Driss Kettani and Hachim Haddouti (Morocco):
Transparency of
Administrative Structures: E-Government?
TS5.3 Myles Flynn (Bahrain) and Jerry Johnson (USA): Delivering Multi-Purpose
Cadastre based on FIG Cadastre 2014 and ARCGIS
- Copies of PowerPoint presentation
Case studies
TS5.4 Karna Suman Kumar (Australia):
Rural-Urban Linkage
and Role of Civil Society: A Successful Model for Good Urban
Governance in Nepal
TS5.5 Çetin Cömert
and Halil Akinci (Turkey): Web
Services: An e-Government Perspective. This paper has not been
presented in the conference. |
14:00-15:30 |
Technical Session TS 6 – Regional Reference Frame I
Chair: Taieb Berrada Allam, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mikael Lilje, SwedenIntroduction papers
TS6.1 Zuheir Altamimi (France) : ITRF, GPS permanent
stations and the AFREF project
TS6.2 Noureddine El Fettah (Morocco):
Vers une
redéfinition du référentiel géodésique Marocain
TS6.3 Habib Taibi, Abdelkader Nadir Nabed and
Chadli Bendjedid Kadri (Algeria):
Uniformisation des campagnes GPS: CAS d’étude, Ouest de l’Algerie.
This paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS6.4 Bachir Gourine, Boualem Ghezali and Habib
Taibi (Algeria): Méthodologie de contrôle et d'amélioration des
réseaux géodésiques 2-D
- Copies of PowerPoint presentation |
14:00-16:00 |
Roundtable on Surveying and GIS Education in Africa
Chair: Prof. Holger Magel |
16:00-17:00 |
Round Table Discussion
Chair: Robert Mahoney, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Reinfried Mansberger, Austria |
17:30-18:30 |
Opening Ceremony Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel, President of FIG: Urban-Rural
Interrelationship for Sustainable Development
Mr. Aziz Hilali, President of ONIGT Mr. Sarkis Fadous,
President of the Arab Federation of Surveyors |
18:30- |
Welcome Reception |
Wednesday, December 3, 2003
09:00-10:00 |
Plenary Session 2
Chair: Driss Jellouli, Morocco
Rapporteur: Bettina Petzold, Vice President of FIGPS2.1 Svein Tveitdal, Director of DEC and DEPI of the United Nations
Environment Program (UNEP): Urban-Rural Interrelationship:
Condition to Sustainable Environment
- Copies of PowerPoint
PS2.2 Chukwudozie Ezigbalike, UN Economic Commission for Africa:
SDI Africa: An Implementation Guide |
10:30-12:00 |
Technical Session TS 7 – Coastal Zone Management
Chair: T.N. Wong, Vice President of FIG
Rapporteur: Mohamed Bakessou, MoroccoIntroduction papers
TS7.1 El Kébir Hannou (Morocco):
Aménagement du territoire
et développement du littoral, cas de la partie septentrionale du
TS7.2 Dodé Bendu Johnson (Togo):
Un exemple d’approche
multisource de l’étude de l’occupation du sol pour l’analyse de la
dynamique spatiale sur la bande littorale du Togo (An Example of
Multi-source Approach of Land Use Study for the Spatial Analysis on
the Littoral of Togo)
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS7.3 Majid Mansour (Morocco):
Environnements littoraux et
aménagement durable: Apport de l’information spatiale
TS7.4 Anas Emran and Mustapha Hakdaoui (Morocco): Suivi par télédétection de l’evolution spatio-temporelle de la
frange littorale au Nord-est de Tétouan
Case studies
TS7.5 Faik Ahmet Sesli and Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu (Turkey):
Monitoring Coastal Land Use Changes by Using Information
Technologies. This paper has not been presented in the
TS7.6 Faik Ahmet Sesli and Fevzi Karsli (Turkey):
Monitoring Coastal Land Use Changes on the Turkish Black Sea Coast
with Remote Sensing: An Example from Trabzon, Turkey. This paper
has not been presented in the conference. |
10:30-12:00 |
Technical Session TS 8 – Geographic Information for Planning
Chair: Szabolcs Mihaly (Hungary)
Rapporteur: Eniko Kovacs (Hungary)
Introduction papers
TS8.1 Mohamed Ait Belaid (Bahrain):
Urban-Rural Land Use
Change Detection and Analysis Using RS and GIS Technologies
TS8.2 El Hassane Semlali, Sèdéhou Azon and
Elarbi Elarchi (Morocco): Conception et développement d’un prototype SIG pour la gestion du
suivi d’exécution des travaux d’une autoroute
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS8.3 Yaacoub Saade (Lebanon): SIG et developpement urbain
- Influence du cadastre et des données géodésiques dans un
developpement urbain et rural
- Copies of PowerPoint
Case studies
TS8.4 Winnie Shiu (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Information – Organization Challenges in the Hong Kong Context
TS8.5 Mourad Bouziani (Morocco):
Définition d’une méthode
d’appariement pour l’extraction des mises a jours de l’information
spatiale dans un réseau routier en milieu urbain. This paper has
not been presented in the conference.
10:30-12:00 |
Technical Session TS 9 – Regional Reference Frame II
Chair: Rudolf Staiger, Germany
Rapporteur: Ali Oufrid, MoroccoIntroduction papers
TS9.1 Edouard Fonh Gbei (Canada):
Le développement d’un
modèle polynomial de Géoid locale et son modèle stochastique associé
: Un support pour l’extraction précise des hauteurs orthometriques à
partir des observations GPS. This paper has not been presented
in the conference.
TS9.2 Benahmed Daho Sid Ahmed (Algeria):
Calcul des
hauteurs orthométriques à partir des observations GPS: Cas d’étude:
Nord de l’Algérie (Orthometric
Height Computation from GPS Observation: Case Study: North of
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS9.3 Charles R. Merry (South Africa):
The African Geoid
Project and Its Relevance to the Unification of African Vertical
Reference Frames
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS9.4 El Hassan Benaim and Lahcen Bouramdane (Morocco):
Plan coté au GPS
TS9.5 Rachid Azzouzi, Mohamed Ettarid, El Hassane Semlali
and Abdelkrim Rimi (Morocco):
Contribution à la détermination
des déplacements horizontaux récents et déformations des plaques
Africaine et Eurasienne dans l'Ouest Méditerranéen. Au cours de la
période 1997-2003
- Copies of PowerPoint
presentation |
14:00-15:30 |
Technical Session TS 10 – Security of Tenure and Access to Land
Chair: Christiaan Lemmen, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Karin Haldrup, DenmarkIntroduction papers
TS10.1 András Osskó (Hungary):
Creation Land
Administration in Formal and Informal Environment – FIG Commission 7
Working Group 1
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS10.2 Per Kåre Sky (Norway): Land Tenure Conflicts:
Suitable for Mediation?
TS10.3 Alexandrina Zaharia (Romania):
Public and Private
Property in Romania. This paper has not been presented in the
Case studies
TS10.4 Cemal Biyik and Ayse Yavuz (Turkey):
Importance of Property Ownership and Management System in the
Ottoman Empire in Point of Today. This paper has not been
presented in the conference.
14:00-15:30 |
Technical Session TS 11 – Management of Water Resources
Chair: Adam Greenland, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Ruth Adams, United KingdomIntroduction papers
TS11.1 Charles Paradzayi (Zimbabwe) and Heinz Rüther
(South Africa): The Development and Implementation of the Lake Rukwa
Basin Integrated Project Environmental Information System (LRBIP-EIS)
Database, Tanzania. This paper has not been presented in the
TS11.2 Ralf Löwner (Germany) and Abdellatif Souhel
(Morocco): The Sahel-Doukkala Information Network
(SaDIN) – A
regional online geoinformation system
TS11.3 Mohamed Sinan and Rachid
Maslouhi (Morocco) and Moumtaz Razack (France):
Utilisation des SIG pour la caractérisation
de la vulnérabilité et de la sensibilité à pollution des nappes
d’eau souterraine. Applicationà la nappe du Haouz de Marrakech
Case studies
TS11.4 Hesbon Ochego (Kenya):
Application of Remote
Sensing in Deforestation Monitoring – A Case Study of the Abedares,
Kenya. This paper has not been presented in the conference. TS11.5 Jafar Najihammodi and Hussain Khadir (Iran):
Studying the
Environmental and Economical Effect of the Salty Water From Wells in Mazandaran.
This paper has not been presented in the conference. |
14:00-15:30 |
Technical Session TS 12 – Positioning and Measurement Technologies
and Practices
Chair: Taïb Tachalait, Morocco
Rapporteur: Dan J. Schnurr, United KingdomIntroduction papers
TS12.1 Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Using Handheld GPS
Receivers for Precise Positioning
TS12.2 Cor de Kuijper (Netherlands): Fugro-Omnistar
Worldwide High Performance Decimetre Accuracy
TS12.3 Rudolf Staiger (Germany):
Terrestrial Laser
Scanning – Technology, Systems and Applications
TS12.4 Milan Kocáb (Czech Republic):
New Technologies of
Measurement and Role of Field Sketches
- Copies of PowerPoint
presentation |
14:00-15:30 |
Commission 3 Annual Meeting
Chair: Gerhard Muggenhuber
- Commission 3 national delegates |
16:00-17:30 |
Technical Session TS 13 – Risk Management
Chair: Andreas Drees, Vice President of FIG
Rapporteur: Michael Barry, CanadaIntroduction papers
TS13.1 Theo Kötter (Germany):
Prevention of Environmental
Disasters by Spatial Planning and Land Management
TS13.2 Abdelkader Missoumi and Kouider Tadjerouni (Algeria):
SIG et imagerie Alsat1 pour la cartographie du
risque d’incendie de forêt (GIS and Imagery of the Algerian Satellite ALSAT1 for the Cartography of
Forest Fire Risk). This paper has not been presented in the
TS13.3 Laila El Founti (Morocco):
La gestion des risques au
- Copies of PowerPoint
Case studies
TS13.4 Mostefa Belhadj-Aissa, Aichouche Belhadj-Aissa
and Youcef Smara (Algeria):
Application du SIG et de la téledétection dans
la gestion des feux de forets en Algerie
- Copies of
PowerPoint presentation
TS13.5 Shattri Mansor and Seyedeh Zahra Pourvakhshouri (Malaysia):
Oil Spill Management via Decision Support System
TS13.6 Vladimír Sedlák, Soňa Molčíková, Viera
Hurčíková, Milan Frajt and Peter Mišovic
(Slovakia): Protection of the Environment and Modelling Surface
Movements in GIS in the East Slovak Region. This paper has not
been presented in the conference. |
16:00-17:30 |
Technical Session TS 14 – Cadastre in the Mediterranean
Chair: Christiaan Lemmen, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mohamed Ait Belaid, MoroccoIntroduction papers
TS14.1 Moha El Ayachi, El Hassane Semlali, Mohamed Ettarid
and Driss Tahiri (Morocco) and Pierre Robert (USA):
Vision towards a Multipurpose Cadastral System to Support Land
Management in Morocco
- Copies of
PowerPoint presentation
TS14.2 Osman Demir, Mustafa Atasoy, C. Coşkun
Aydin and Cemal Biyik (Turkey):
A Case Study for
Determining the Turkish Cadastre Contents. This paper has not
been presented in the conference.
TS14.3 Mohamed Ettarid, Moha El Ayachi, El Makky
Ettaqui, Mohamed El Yamani (Morocco):
Numérique au service du Cadastre National
- Copies of
PowerPoint presentation
TS14.4 Moha El Ayachi (Morocco) and Pierre Robert
(USA) : A Conceptual Model of an Automated Land Information Machine
- Copies of
PowerPoint presentation
TS14.5 Ahmed Benaissa (Algeria):
L'évolution de la
propriété foncière à travers les textes et les différents modes
d'accès à la propriété foncière (Land Property System in Algeria).
This paper hasnot been presented in the conference.
16:00-17:30 |
Technical Session TS 15 – Digital Cadastre – Technical Aspects
Chair: Jamal Eddine Guerraoui, Morocco
Rapporteur: T.N. Wong, Vice President of FIGIntroduction papers
TS15.1 Václav Slaboch (Czech Republic):
Cadastral of Real Estate with GIS Data – A Contribution to
TS15.2 Mohammed Essadiki and Mohamed Ettarid (Morocco)
and Pierre Robert (USA):
Nouvelle approche du recasement
parcellaire en utilisant un S.I.G. (Cas du Maroc) (New Approach
for Land Reallocation Using a Geographic Information System)
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS15.3 Osman Demir, Recep Nişanci, Mustafa
Atasoy and C. Coşkun Aydin
(Turkey): Forming the Digital Cadastral Maps from Current
Cadastral Data: The Importance of Geodetic Control Points. This
paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS15.4 M. El Makhchouni, E. El Batane and Mme N. Licer
(Morocco): L’Administration en ligne à l’ANCFCC. This paper has not
been presented in the conference.
TS15.5 Sameer Abbadi (Jordan): Department of Lands and
Survey – The Modernization Journey. This paper has not presented in
the conference.
- Copies of PowerPoint
17:30-18:30 |
Roundtable Discussion
Chair: Mohamed Knidri, Morocco
Rapporteur: Christiaan Lemmen, the Netherlands |
Thursday, December 4, 2003 |
09:00-10:00 |
Plenary Session 3
Chair: Bettina Petzold, Vice President of FIG
Rapporteur: Mohamed Essadiki, MoroccoPS3.1 Stig Enemark, Denmark:
Underpinning Sustainable
Land Administration Systems for Managing the Urban and Rural
- Copies of PowerPoint
PS3.2 Heinz Rüther, South Africa:
The Situation of Geomatics Education in Africa – An Endangered Profession
PS3.3 Alain Gaudet, President of Ordre des Géomètres-Experts,
France: Le géomètre-expert et le developpement durable |
10:30-12:00 |
Technical Session TS 16 – Education and Curricula for Surveyors
Chair: Pedro J. Cavero, Spain
Rapporteur: Mohamed Bakessou, MoroccoTS16.1 Driss Tahiri and Mohamed Ettarid (Morocco): La formation en ingénierie
topographique à l’IAV Hassan II
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS16.2 Mohamed Sinan, Abdelhamid Fadil and El
Hassan El Brirchi (Morocco):
Présentation de la filière
S.I.G. de l’EHTP (Maroc)
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS16.3 A. Touzani (Morocco):
L’apport des outils spatiaux
dans la mise à niveau de la cartographie rurale et urbaine en
Afrique: Exemple, la formation poste graduée en technologie spatiale au
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS16.4 Paul Watson and Richard Davis (United
Kingdom): A Practical Approach for Incorporating Integrated Teams
into the Surveying Curriculum
- Copies of PowerPoint
10:30-12:00 |
Technical Session TS 17 – Property Taxation
Chair: Stephen Yip, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Brian Waldy, United KingdomIntroduction papers
TS17.1 Volkan Cagdas, Mehmet Gür and Vildan Kurt
(Turkey): Property Taxation and Land Management
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS17.2 Frances Plimmer (United Kingdom):
Cloud Cuckoo Land
– An Overview of the Method of Valuation for Local Property Tax (Rates)
in the United Kingdom
- Copies of PowerPoint presentation
TS17.3 Frances Plimmer and Nigel Dubben (United
Kingdom): The Land of Make Believe: An Overview of the Assessment of Compensation for Land
Taken on Compulsory Acquisition in the United Kingdom
- Copies of PowerPoint presentation TS17.4
Frantz Derlich, Jean Cédric Landry et Rafic Khouri (France):
Aménagement Foncier : Outil de Développement Durable L’expérience
- Copies of PowerPoint presentation |
10:30-12:00 |
Technical Session TS 18 – GIS Tools for Applications
Chair: Mohamed Ait Belaid, Bahrain
Rapporteur: Reinfried Mansberger, AustriaIntroduction papers
TS18.1 Szabolcs Mihaly (Hungary):
Hungarian Approach to
the Model of Database for Unified Land Registry
- Copies of PowerPoint presentation
TS18.2 Madan Mohan (India):
GIS Based Integrated Approach
for Monitoring and Modeling of Hyper-Urbanization for Sustainable
Environment Development in Delhi. This paper has not been
presented in the conference.
TS18.3 Hartmut Müller (Germany): Digital Landscape
Documentation – A Case Study on How to Create Useful Geographic Information
- Copies of PowerPoint
Case studies
TS18.4 Arnis Asmat, Shattri Mansor and Wong Tai
Hong (Malaysia): Rule Based Classification for Urban Heat Island
TS18.5 Ritsuo Sakimura and Kyuichi Maruyama
(Japan): The Method of Setting Slope Stakes in Road Construction
Using 3-D Design Model
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS18.6 Selçuk Reis, Recep Nişanci, Bayram Uzun,
Ali Yalçin, Halilibrahim Inan and Tahsin Yomralioğlu
Monitoring Land-use Changes by GIS and
Remote Sensing Techniques: Case Study of Trabzon, Turkey. This
paper has not been presented in the conference.
14:00-15:30 |
Technical Session TS 19 – Geographic Information – Organisational
Chair: Karin Haldrup, Denmark
Rapporteur: Rainer Müller-Jökel, GermanyIntroduction papers
TS19.1 Gerhard Muggenhuber and Reinfried Mansberger
(Austria): Impact of Decentralisation and Community Empowerment to
Spatial Information Management
- Copies of
PowerPoint presentation
TS19.2 Peter Bartak (The Netherlands):
Open Interoperability: From Conception to Realisation (Interopérabilité
ouverte: de la conception à la réalisation)
TS19.3 Abdelali Taouss (Morocco):
Les serveurs des Métadonnées
géographiques : Moyen organisationnel et outil de diffusion de
l’information spatiale (The Geographic Metadata Servers:
Organizational Means and Tool of Spatial Information Diffusion)
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS19.4 Paul van der Molen (Netherlands):
Some Macroeconomic Aspects of Land Ownership.
This paper has not been presented in the conference.
14:00-15:30 |
Technical Session TS 20 – Housing Financing
Chair: Mike Barry, Canada
Rapporteur: T. N. Wong, Vice President of FIGIntroduction papers
TS20.1 Mehmet Gur, Hülya Demir, Vildan Kurt and Volkan
(Turkey): Housing Financing in Turkey
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS20.2 Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
A Man’s House is His
14:00-15:30 |
Technical Session TS 21 – Education and Professionalism for
Chair: Stig Enemark, Denmark
Rapporteur: Abdelilah El Himdy, MoroccoIntroduction papers
TS21.1 Stig Enemark (Denmark) and Pedro J. Cavero
(Spain): The Surveyor of the XXIst Century
- Copies of PowerPoint presentation
TS21.2 Pedro J. Cavero (Spain):
Activities of Commission 2
for the Next Years TS21.3 Frances Plimmer (United Kingdom): Education for
Surveyors: An RICS Perspective
- Copies of PowerPoint presentation |
16:00-17:30 |
Technical Session TS 22 – Professional Organisations – Capacity
Building through Professional Competence
Chair: Klaus Rürup, Germany
Rapporteur: Michael Keller, SwitzerlandTS22.1 Robert W. Foster (USA):
Risk Management – The
American Scene
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS22.2 Steponas Deveikis (Lithuania):
Création des
compétences professionnelles dans les organismes non-gouvernementaux
lituaniens des Géomètres (Professional
Capacity Building in Lithuanian Non-Governmental Organisations of
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS22.3 P. P. Oli (Nepal): Land Pooling: The Public Private
Participatory Urban Development in Nepal. This paper has not
been presented in the conference.
TS22.4 Michael Keller (Switzerland): General Framework of
Development Policy and Financing
- Copies of PowerPoint
presentation |
16:00-17:30 |
Technical Session TS 23 – Technology and Cadastre
Chair: Johan de Meijere, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Dan J. Schnurr, United KingdomIntroduction papers
TS23.1 Chryssy A. Potsiou and Charalabos Ioannidis
(Greece): Low Cost
Technologies and Techniques in Implementing Cadastral and Spatial
Information Management Infrastructure
- Copies of PowerPoint
TS23.2 Mohamed Ettarid, Fatima Barkane, Jaouad
Bouhajla and Ahmed Nasserdine (Morocco):
Contribution à la
mise en place d’un observatoire pour l’aménagement du territoire
- Copies of PowerPoint
Case studies
TS23.3 Mohamed Rouchdi, Mohamed Ajerame, Mohamed
Badraoui, Mohamed Ettarid, El Mostfa Tammah and
Mohammed Haoujar (Morocco):
Effet du relief sur la determination
des superficies dans les projets d’aménagement du territoire.
This paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS23.4 El Hassan Benaim and Nadia Bouzghar (Morocco):
Développement d’une interface pour la constitution automatique d’un
dossier cadastral dont les données ont été acquises par GPS
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TS23.5 Abdelkader Nadir Nabed, Habib Taibi and
Hakim Zouahra (Algeria): Adjustement des données GPS et
terrestre a l’aide du module SNAP de WINPRISM: Application
cadastrale. This paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS23.6 Alexey V. Tikunov, M. V. Lomonosov,
Vorob’ievi Gori (Russia):
Method of Potentials for Spatial Planning.
This paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS23.7 Vladimir S. Tikunov (Russia):
Atlas Information
Systems – Organisations Challenges (Sustainable Development of
Russia Case Study). This paper has not been presented in the
16:00-17:30 |
Technical Session TS 24 – Spatial Planning in Promoting Good Urban
and Rural Environment
Chair: Rachid Ejamii (Morocco)
Rapporteur: Theo Kötter (Germany)
Introduction papers
TS24.1 Rainer Müller-Jökel (Germany):
Participation in Urban Development and Land Management Process
TS24.2 Ayse Yavuz and Bayram Uzun (Turkey):
A New
Vision in Compromising of Civilizations: The Right of Real Property
Acquisition of Foreigners in Turkey
TS24.3 Karin Haldrup (Denmark):
From Elitist Standards to
Basic Needs – Diversified Strategies to Land Registration Serving
Poverty Alleviation Objectives
TS24.4 El Mostapha El Fatihi, El Hassane Semlali,
Moha El Ayachi and Mohamed Amjad Mjouel (Morocco):
Implémentation d’un SIG multi-usage pour la gestion des données
cadastrales et urbaines et son déploiement sur Internet (Cas de la
commune de Anfa)
- Copies of PowerPoint
presentation Case
studies TS24.5 Julia Theodoraki-Patsi and
Agelliki-Myrto Theodoraki (Greece):
Roof Pattern
as a Characteristic Architectural Element for Urban-Rural
Classification of Greek Settlements TS24.6 Constantin Bah (Benin):
La problématique énvironnementale: Interaction entre l’urbanisme et le ruralisme |
17:30-18:30 |
Closing Ceremony and Resolutions |