News in 2020

Call for nominations for 10 Commission Chairs Elects
10 September 2020
FIG Member associations now have the possibility increase their influence
in FIG

The current Commission Chairs at FIG Working Week
2019 together with FIG Council
FIG General Assembly 2021 has the important task to elect
Commission Chairs Elects for each of the 10 FIG Commissions for
the term 2021-2022. These Commission Chairs Elects are expected
to take over the task as Commission Chair for the term
2023-2026.The first two years 2021 and 2022 will therefore be preparation years
to get acquainted with the tasks in cooperation with the current chairs.

The ten commissions (
are the back-bones of FIG, and the technical work is covered by Working
Groups under each commission. The FIG Commission Chairs have a central
role to ensure the development of the Commission, the work of the
Working Groups and Working Group Chairs, and the cooperation between the
commissions with related subjects and current topics and themes.
The commissions cover the following areas:
The road towards a position in a commission starts with being active
in a commission. One of the main advantages of being a member of FIG is
the possibility to appoint official commission delegates to each of the
ten commissions. It is the hope that these delegates will work actively
within the commission. Steps on the way can be to be member of a working
group, vice chair or chair of a working group, and one day a delegate
might be in the position to qualify to be nominated for chair of the
commission. FIG therefore requests our members to take active part in
the commissions and also to help young surveyors to participate
An email has been sent to all Presidents and FIG representatives of
FIG member associations encouraging them to consider nominations for the
posts of Chairs Elects for one of the commissions.
The nomination process:
- All nominations must use the
nomination template (word doc)
- Please include a cover letter of support, coming from either the
President or the Principal Officer of the association.
- A nominee shall preferably have played an active part in the
activities of the commission, and shall have demonstrated possession
of the personal and professional capabilities needed to lead the
work of the commission.
- Deadline for the submission of nominations is 15 December 2020
- Please submit your nomination to FIG Director Louise
Please also check the
Internal Rules on Commissions, and especially 11.8 - 11.13:
The election will be decided by a vote of the General Assembly 2021.
Louise Friis-Hansen
10 September 2020